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show 1 to 12 (of 12 software programs)
KeepTool - Tools for Oracle Databases
The universal tool for all Oracle DBA and application developers
The universal tool for all Oracle DBA and application developers KeepTool has been developing the tools you need for your Oracle database for over 25 years. Our tools are based on practical experience and are constantly being developed further. Hora, the most important tool, is the Swiss army knife of database tools. With its range of functions, it is indispensable for DBAs and developers. Other tools include: DB Doc, SQL Editor, Reverse DB, ER Diagrammer, PL/SQL Debugger and DB Compare. All tools are intuitive to use.
All-In-One-Software Thanks to its broad range of services and its flexible and moderate pricing, MService, the all-in-one software, is used by large international companies as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. MService has a modular structure - digitization can gradually integrate individual topics and modules within the company. The result is a naturally growing, comprehensive and centralized overall system into which other systems and apps are also optimally integrated.
4ALLPORTAL- DAM Software - Digital Asset Management
One software 4ALL data! save resources ✔ increase revenue ✔ with DAM & PIM
One software 4ALL data! save resources ✔ increase revenue ✔ with DAM & PIM One software 4ALL data! Use 4ALLPORTAL DAM to centrally manage your digital assets. Manage, find and share your files in one central database. Optimize your workflows and automate your workflows and routines. Save yourself and your team time and costs and get back to productivity and creativity. Fixed contact person on the manufacturer side, experienced developer team, server in Germany. Book a demo now!...
ERP twyz.enterprise
WaWi, CRM, HR und Projekte - 100 % webbasiert.
WaWi, CRM, HR und Projekte - 100 % webbasiert. Die webbasierte twoeyes enterprise Warenwirtschaft eröffnet Ihnen eine Vielzahl an neuer Chancen und Möglichkeiten. Managen Sie sämtliche Waren und Artikel auf Basis präziser Stammdaten und mit einem äußerst professionellen Auftrags-, Lager- und Versandwesen. Optimieren Sie Ihre Produktion nach Kanban und/oder individuellen QM-Vorgaben. Definieren Sie Ihre Preise, Preisgruppen und Staffelpreise, planen Sie Sonderverkaufsaktionen und verknüpfen Sie die Wawi mit Ihrem Online-Shop.
The most powerful platform for end-to-end data management
The most powerful platform for end-to-end data management Die One-Stop-, Full Stack Datenlösung-Plattform aus einer Hand! IRI Voracity ist das, worauf Sie gewartet haben.... eine einzige, intuitive und preisgünstige Plattform, die auf Eclipse™ basiert für: • Data Discovery (Profiling, Klassifizierung, ERDs, Dark Data) • Datenintegration (ETL, CDC, SCD, TDM) • Datenmigration (Dateien, DBs, Datentypen, Datensatzlayouts) • Data Governance (Maskieren, Bereinigen, MDM, EMM) • Analytics (integrierte BI & Datenaufbereitung)...
The fastest for data transformation for +45 years
The fastest for data transformation for +45 years IRI CoSort® has been a fast, affordable and easy-to-use sorting, merging and reporting program and full-featured data transformation package since 1978. IRI CoSort a smarter alternative to other software products, hardware upgrades and in-house attempts to accelerate: high volume sorts, RDB loads, ETL tools and data wrangling for BI and analytic platforms.
Safe, realistic and referentially correct test data
Safe, realistic and referentially correct test data IRI RowGen generates billions of rows of secure, intelligent test data in databases, flat files and formatted report targets with metadata, not data! RowGen synthesizes and populates relational test data with the same properties as production data. RowGen uses the metadata you already have (or create on the fly) to randomly generate structurally and referentially correct test data and/or randomly select data from real-world sets.
Powerful and cost-effective software for data recognition and masking .
Powerful and cost-effective software for data recognition and masking . IRI FieldShield® is powerful and cost-effective software for data discovery and data masking of PII in structured and semi-structured sources, onsite or in the cloud, static or streaming. The FieldShield utilities in Eclipse are used to profile and de-identify data at rest (static data masking) and the FieldShield SDK is used to secure data in motion (dynamic data masking).
Recognize, deploy and delete PII in Dark Data
Recognize, deploy and delete PII in Dark Data With IRI DarkShield, you can classify, find and delete or otherwise mask sensitive information in various structured, semi-structured and unstructured sources, including: text, PDF and MS Office documents, Parquet and image files, relational and NoSQL collections, and even faces. Whether the PII is on your desktop or anywhere on your network, DarkShield protects it!...
Modular, expandable software for document, customer, task and dictation management
Modular, expandable software for document, customer, task and dictation management For over 25 years, Thax Software has been the specialist for the practical use of digital dictation technology, speech recognition, document and customer management, and identification technologies such as RFID - in short: Future Office. Convince yourself of our modular software solution Findentity. We will be happy to advise you.
aktefix® digital
File, document and workflow management for SMEs
File, document and workflow management for SMEs Aktefix® digital file, document and workflow management With aktefix® digital you complete the digitalization and organization of your office operations. The industry-neutral software solution aktefix® digital serves as a digital link between Outlook® / MS Office products and virtually all industry solutions with ERP, CRM or accounting systems. Flexibility and adaptability are particularly important for small and medium-sized companies. This applies to the business activities as well as to the software used in the company ...
A new era of content understanding
A new era of content understanding The AI-powered platform Doxis Intelligent Content Automation is the next level of enterprise content management: It bridges and automates content across your ecosystem to create a 360° view of business.
show 1 to 12 (of 12 software programs)