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Data analysis
show 1 to 20 (of 51 software programs)
otris privacy
otris privacy supports the data protection officer in his daily work
otris privacy supports the data protection officer in his daily work The data protection solution offers you targeted analysis and control of operational data protection and IT security standards. With the software, you can optimize security gaps and comprehensively document all data protection measures taken. otris privacy supports company and external data protection officers in their daily work. The software can be used across all industries and maps any company structure. With its comprehensive range of services, otris privacy sets the course for a successful long-term ...
Standard measurement software MSR32 for WINDOWS
Overview MSR32: Software available in english and german (Windows Resource Files), 512 channels, hardware independent, channels can be separated in up to 15 channelgroups, Internal data buffer for saving measured values, size depends on free disk space, Works mainly like a recorder, values stored in the buffer are available at program start, Formula interpreter with many special functions, 25 individual line graphic windows, linear and/or logarithm axis, up to 4 individual Y-axis, Individual adjustable Table view ...
PPS ERP for manufacturing companies with focus on production control
PRODAT ERP is a precision tool for organization, planning and quality management in manufacturing - especially for medium-sized businesses. The innovative PPS/ ERP/ MES includes complete invoicing and a complete data management system. It includes the PPS and technology data management functions. Within the master data management it contains options for parts lists, revisions, articles, suppliers, addresses ...
Content-based advertising for websites - semantic and contextual targeting
Contextual advertising or contextual targeting relies on the fact that the user of an Internet page is receptive to advertising messages that relate to the content of the page. The software is the universal solution for context-sensitive forms of advertising and for automated content recognition on the Internet.
System for automated checking of transactions for market conformity
Checking transactions for market conformity requires up-to-date market data and know-how about the applicable checking procedures. RiskLine checks transactions for market conformity as far as possible automatically on the basis of the instrument type and the transaction data. The following test methods are supported by the system: Checking transaction price against alternative market price, checking transaction price against fair value calculated by the system, checking transaction price against fair value calculated by a third-party system ...
sycat Process Designer
Model, optimize, document processes
Model, optimize, document processes With the sycat Process Designer you create clear graphics of your business processes quickly and easily. Using drag & drop, you can map all activities step by step with predefined modeling elements and add all related documents, IT systems, standard chapters, but also risks and improvement approaches to the individual sections.
Controlling software for analysis, planning and reporting with IBM Planning Analytics TM1
Controlling software for analysis, planning and reporting with IBM Planning Analytics TM1 elKomBI is the powerful business intelligence solution based on the OLAP databases IBM Planning Analytics TM1 or IBM Planning Analytics Express and Microsoft Excel as the front end. The IBM Planning Analytics TM1 Turbo Integrator enables rapid data integration from your upstream systems and guarantees short implementation times.
Programming-free toolkit for analysis, reporting, planning & forecasting
Board's Intelligent Planning Platform delivers solutions that enable more than 2,000 global customers to achieve informed insights and improved results through smarter planning. Board helps companies gain relevant insights to make the right business decisions. Strategy, finance and operations are unified through integrated and intelligent planning, providing full visibility into the performance of the entire organization.
ProSeS - ODA Reporting
Graphical and tabular reports: machine status, downtime, scrap, quality...
With the software, you can run graphical and tabular reports on machine status, downtime, scrap, quality, analyses and evaluations at the touch of a button. The results are presented clearly and easily understandable in tables and graphs. You can print them out, export them to other programs (e.g. MS-Word) and thus keep an eye on all production-relevant parameters.
KeepTool - Tools for Oracle Databases
The universal tool for all Oracle DBA and application developers
The universal tool for all Oracle DBA and application developers KeepTool has been developing the tools you need for your Oracle database for over 25 years. Our tools are based on practical experience and are constantly being developed further. Hora, the most important tool, is the Swiss army knife of database tools. With its range of functions, it is indispensable for DBAs and developers. Other tools include: DB Doc, SQL Editor, Reverse DB, ER Diagrammer, PL/SQL Debugger and DB Compare. All tools are intuitive to use.
VBASE the flexible automation platform for industrial and building automation
Smart Factory and Smart Building with VBASE. VBASE is the central point for your automation projects. With many interfaces to the control level and to higher-level IT systems, VBASE is used as a multifunctional automation platform in professional industrial and building automation. In industrial automation, VBASE covers the areas of HMI, SCADA and MES. In the field of building automation, the focus is on BMS systems and energy management.
All-In-One-Software Thanks to its broad range of services and its flexible and moderate pricing, MService, the all-in-one software, is used by large international companies as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. MService has a modular structure - digitization can gradually integrate individual topics and modules within the company. The result is a naturally growing, comprehensive and centralized overall system into which other systems and apps are also optimally integrated.
Data warehouse, cost accounting, planning, reporting, business analytics for SMEs
Data warehouse, cost accounting, planning, reporting, business analytics for SMEs The modular and industry-neutral software solution PST-BI is aimed at medium-sized and upper medium-sized companies as well as international corporations. PST-BI is specially designed for the requirements of the finance, cost and sales controlling and marketing departments and offers holistic and user-oriented business intelligence solutions for modern corporate management. Together with our customers, we implement flexible, customized BI solutions based on Microsoft's SQL Server.
ibo Prometheus
Process management software BPMN 2.0, mapping of risks and controls, OHB
Process management software BPMN 2.0, mapping of risks and controls, OHB Our modern software offers you much more than just modeling and structuring your processes. With ibo Prometheus, you can professionalize the entire process management of your company. With the help of our process management software, you can easily create process maps, model processes (BPMN 2.0, ibo follow-up plan, table), document risks and controls in processes and display processes transparently. Our configurable workflows facilitate the coordination of processes - both in the development and in the cyclical review. ibo Prometheus supports you in all facets of your process management - from process recording to the execution of your processes.
Create your online-surveys and dashboards
Create your online-surveys and dashboards Mit SphinxCloud erstellen Sie Ihre Onlineumfrage: Sämtliche Fragetypen sind per Klick auswählbar, navigieren Sie Ihre Befragten durch Filterführungen, konditionellen Anzeigen oder Berechnungen durch den Fragebogen. Das Besondere an der Umfragelösung: Werten Sie die Onlineumfrage über das Dashboard-Tool optimal aus: Grafisch mit einer Vielzahl von Darstellungsmöglichkeiten, Kreuztabellen, Kommentaren, Bildern, heben Sie Kennwerte visuell hervor. Natürlich EU-DSGVO-konform.
Software for street lighting management
Software for street lighting management The key to efficient street lighting management Founded in 2002, sixData GmbH focuses on developing management information systems for street lighting. Its luxData software is the market leader in the street lighting sector and is used successfully by around 200 local authorities, cities, municipal utilities and energy supply companies in Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Austria and Switzerland. The modernization of street lighting is becoming increasingly important. At the same time, increasingly complex tasks and specifications have to be fulfilled ...
QSEC - GRC/ISMS, ISO 27001/BSI standard- IT protection, B3S and data protection
GRC, ISMS, risk management, IMS, IKS, and data protection - "All-in-one"!
GRC, ISMS, risk management, IMS, IKS, and data protection - All-in-one! QSEC is an integrated management system that provides the management with decisions based on transparency and facts and supplies the corporate risk management with important decision basics from the operative risk management. The implementation of. the Compliance, of Information Security Management according to the requirements of ISO 27001, BSI standard (IT-Grundschutz), B3S Risk Management anddata protection according to GDPR Data Protection according to GDPR In addition, a wide range of other requirements ...
for your process documentation, measures, risk and audit management
for your process documentation, measures, risk and audit management As an integrated management system, WissIntra offers an attractive complete solution for process documentation, action and audit management. It is made up of various individual modules, from the ISO-compliant presentation of your processes to action management, risk and opportunity management and the targeted preparation of audits and certifications. WissIntra fulfills all the requirements of efficient QM software. The clear documentation of company processes ensures company-wide knowledge management.
From the idea to the solution
From the idea to the solution MR.KNOW provides with LOW-CODE & NO-CODE-BPM as well as the MR.KNOW - PLATFORM and the digital wizards extensive possibilities for project leaders and project managers for the implementation of your projects. Model and automate your processes with one of the most powerful BPM software on the market. MR.KNOW - BPM supports as a holistic Business Process Management Suite (BPMS) with the modules Processboard, Modeling, Automation, Low Coding, User Interfaces, Process Portal as well as Monitoring in the creation of business processes and enables a fast implementation of enterprise-wide solutions.
Workflow management and process management software
Workflow management and process management software With the browser-based workflow management system PANFLOW from Panvision, you can increase the efficiency and transparency of your company processes by mapping and automating recurring workflows without any programming knowledge. In this way, unnecessary extra work can be avoided, which significantly reduces processing times in the various departments, increases the quality of processes and minimizes running costs in the long term.
show 1 to 20 (of 51 software programs)