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show 1 to 20 (of 22 entries)
Controlling software for analysis, planning and reporting with IBM Planning Analytics TM1
Controlling software for analysis, planning and reporting with IBM Planning Analytics TM1 elKomBI is the powerful business intelligence solution based on the OLAP databases IBM Planning Analytics TM1 or IBM Planning Analytics Express and Microsoft Excel as the front end. The IBM Planning Analytics TM1 Turbo Integrator enables rapid data integration from your upstream systems and guarantees short implementation times.
Software for integrated corporate planning, reporting and group consolidation
Software for integrated corporate planning, reporting and group consolidation The flexible standard solution for your integrated corporate planning with the automatic creation of balance sheet, P&L, cash flow and liquidity planning objects. elKomPlan is used successfully by small and medium-sized companies as well as large corporations. The program includes sub-plans for turnover, sales, investment, personnel and loans. Subplans can be periodized automatically. It also allows any number of individual sub-plans to be defined ...
Sage HR Suite
Personnel software from Sage - lead your employees with success
Personnel software from Sage - lead your employees with success Sage HR Suite is a modular and scalable complete solution. It is designed for medium-sized companies in Germany that want to put together their HR system according to their personal needs and the "employee life cycle". lifecycle". With Sage HR Suite, HR processes are significantly simplified, time and costs are saved, and everyday work is enriched.
Software solution for consolidation (HGB, IFRS, US-GAAP) and planning & reporting
Software solution for consolidation (HGB, IFRS, US-GAAP) and planning & reporting The flexible standard solution for legal consolidation and group reporting. elKomKons is designed for small and medium-sized corporate groups as well as large corporations. The scope of services includes the features HGB, IFRS and US-GAAP. The software includes asset, capital and provision reports and any number of other reports. It allows expense, income, debt and capital consolidation. The program also enables the mapping of any group structures, simultaneous and step-by-step consolidation ...
TimO project management, time tracking, capacity manag. and controling
Project planning, project steering, project controlling, time management - 100% web based
Time Management Office® is a network-, internet- und intranet based software for project planning, project controlling, project monitoring, resource management, capacity planning, expense planning, project expense management, process optimisation and time sheet. Additionally Time Management Office can be used for order- and service related time and cost management. Time Management Office can be parameterised to disable unnecessary functions. (As extensive as necessary!). Many applications in this sector come with a variety of useful functions ...
rexx HR - Vacation Manager
Vacation management, absence management
Vacation management, absence management Rexx HR Vacationmanager - perfect, operational vacation administration and absence management Do you know this? Constant inquiries about vacation, disagreements about actual vacation entitlement, time-consuming planning of absences and overlaps? Or simply the quick overview: Who is actually there and when? Create transparency! Your employees can enter and track their vacation entries in the rexx HR employee portal via any PC with a browser. A complete history of all leave bookings is available for retrieval in the employee portal at any time ...
rexx HR - Personnel Management / Digital File
Personnel Management / Digital Personnel File
Personnel Management / Digital Personnel File Why complicate things when they can be simple? The digital personnel file puts an end to double entry, paper clutter and Excel lists. All data relating to your employees can be found here in a central location across all sites: starting with applicant data, which is transferred directly from rexx Recruitment or other applicant management systems, through complex master data maintenance, salary documentation, time recording and vacation management. You control access authorization down to the data field level via finely granulatable roles ...
Platform for creating business applications
Platform for creating business applications omniSuite is an award-winning flexible integration and application platform for the creation and operation of applications that impresses both with its range of application scenarios and the speed with which results are achieved. From recording requirements and modeling to the solution in productive use: everything in one product and from a single source.
Data warehouse, cost accounting, planning, reporting, business analytics for SMEs
Data warehouse, cost accounting, planning, reporting, business analytics for SMEs The modular and industry-neutral software solution PST-BI is aimed at medium-sized and upper medium-sized companies as well as international corporations. PST-BI is specially designed for the requirements of the finance, cost and sales controlling and marketing departments and offers holistic and user-oriented business intelligence solutions for modern corporate management. Together with our customers, we implement flexible, customized BI solutions based on Microsoft's SQL Server.
OC:Planner - Service Planning for Healthcare and Social Services
Staff scheduling, working time management, time recording, access
Staff scheduling, working time management, time recording, access In almost all companies, personnel costs are the largest cost factor. OC:Planner offers you all the functions that professional and economical personnel resource planning needs. At the same time, the application remains clear and easy to use. You create duty rosters automatically. You get functions for vacation and absence planning. Change duty rosters or the evaluation of shift times easily if desired. With OC:Planner you will reach your goal quickly and efficiently in any case ...
rexx HR - Succession Planning
rexx succession planning - keep an eye on the eligible talents at all times
With strategic succession planning, you always have an overview of the talents in question and can efficiently fill key positions. With rexx succession planning, you can use an intuitive interface to identify key positions that need to be filled as quickly as possible. For this purpose, our software analyzes indications of increased exit risks such as the end of staffing due to resignation or retirement or miscasts.
Time Tracking for Projects & Employees
Time Tracking for Projects & Employees ZEP & ZEP Clock are modular software solutions for digital working time recording and much more. ZEP offers you numerous additional functions around overtime, vacation, project planning, travel cost management, invoicing and much more, depending on your individual needs. ZEP Clock is the more streamlined solution for pure working time recording and is also expandable. Depending on the solution, you can use ZEP or ZEP Clock for as little as 10€ or 2€ per user per month ...
rexx Enterprise Recruitment - Applicant Management Software
Process Optimization Applicant Management / eRecruiting & Job Board / Recruitment
Process Optimization Applicant Management / eRecruiting & Job Board / Recruitment rexx Applicant Management Software - experience fast and convenient e-recruiting. Digital applicant management enables efficiency and lean processes in the HR department. With the applicant management software from rexx systems, you can experience modern, fast and convenient e-recruiting. More than 800 customers with about four million application processes per year rely on rexx Recruiting - Europe-wide.
WINPACCS – software for development
WINPACCS – the integrated software solution for international aid organisations
WINPACCS – the integrated software solution for international aid organisations WINPACCS digitises business processes in development cooperation: The software is tailored to the needs of aid organisations, NGOs and consulting companies in development cooperation like no other product. Thanks to modularisation, a highly flexible role concept and configurable interfaces, WINPACCS is scalable and can be adapted to individual requirements.
OTEC -- ERP / PPS Software for Surface Finishing Technologies
OTEC - The powerful Software System for all Surface Finishing Techniques
OTEC  -  The powerful Software System for all Surface Finishing Techniques OTEC BaSyS – the individual tailor-made Software System for the cost of a standard package. Today the usage of a powerful software is a must. Therefore, a sophisticated software system like OTEC, dedicated to the demands and procedures of surface finishing, will optimize the applicable processes and will tighten the related administration procedures.The resulting cost-reduction means advanced efficiency to the company and provides the basic pre-requisites for e.g. acquiring important professional certificates ...
myPARM - Multi-project management software
Multi-project management and PPM software
Multi-project management and PPM software myPARM PM is a strategic, process-oriented multi-project management software with Gantt and WBS, time recording, budgeting, resource planning, invoicing, risk and opportunity management. myPARM RFS is a risk-based management/leadership system with balanced scorecard, portfolio management, programme management and controlling options for operational, tactical and strategic management levels.
Digital assistant for the implementation of ESG regulations
Digital assistant for the implementation of ESG regulations Digital assistant for the implementation of ESG regulations. Solutions for more sustainability, growth and higher enterprise value...
Personnel management. Simple. Online.
Personnel management. Simple. Online. Manage recruiting, HR administration and payroll easily with HeavenHR. From hiring new employees to time recording and shift planning, you have all essential functionalities together on one platform. You can also map the entire recruitment process from posting to hiring.
CIO Cockpit
Create transparency in your IT - for more efficiency and cost optimisation.
Create transparency in your IT - for more efficiency and cost optimisation. What is IT Financial Management? Digital business models, new challenges: A development that particularly affects the IT organisation of companies. Until recently, IT was a service provider on call, but in the future it will play an active role in shaping business. The age of the IT manufacture is ending - that of the IT service provider with economic responsibility is beginning. This means that the role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) is changing. Until now, the CIO was primarily a technology manager ...
Makes application development faster, more individual and cheaper.
Makes application development faster, more individual and cheaper. Brixxbox - the low-code platform for fast and individual application development! Even without programming knowledge, you can create highly individual applications with the help of the graphical user interface. And the platform also offers numerous advantages for professionals: faster, more efficient and more flexible than ever before!...
show 1 to 20 (of 22 entries)