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norms and standards
show 1 to 20 (of 37 software programs)
The software for your digital quality management
The software for your digital quality management roXtra is one of the leading and comprehensive software for your digital quality management system. From standard-compliant document control for all sets of rules and standards (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 13485, KTQ, GxP and many more), simple process modelling based on BPMN 2.0 as well as automated workflows and process management to company-wide risk management.
Flexible and Modular Quality Management System
QM-Pilot is a web- and database-based software solution that allows management systems to be set up and actively controlled in a simple and contemporary manner. The demands for process and document control are of central importance in today's QM systems. In QM-Pilot, both aspects are taken into account in one software solution. With QM-Pilot you build a modern, dynamic and flexible management system. Processes and related documents are directly and electronically available to employees. The process and document management can be supplemented with the optional risk module, organization as well as audit management.
SpriCAD + WinSprink: Hydraulic calculation of sprinkler systems
Design and hydraulic calculation of sprinkler systems
Sprinkler software WinSprink and SpriCAD for the calculation of sprinkler systems and water spray extinguishing systems. The Hazen-Williams formula as well as the Darcy-Weisbach formula are available for the calculations. The basis is a calculation kernel that can be used to hydraulically calculate not only tree-like but also all types of meshed piping systems. SpriCAD® can be used to enter and calculate sprinkler systems or sprinkler systems. There are add-ons for AutoCAD, BricsCAD and Revit.
IDAT - Earth static calculation programmes
Programme package for earth static calculations
Industry 4.0, i.e. the automation and digitalisation of all company processes, is a major challenge for everyone involved in the construction industry. With the right software for soil mechanics, earthwork and foundation engineering, you can meet today's demands and provide high-quality services cost-effectively. The IDAT programme packages for earth static calculations can be implemented flexibly and are easy to use. The Earth Statics programme package consists of various programmes that can be used individually or together ...
N5-Solutions - Analyses & Measures
Web-based solution for audit and measure management
Web-based solution for audit and measure management The N5 Audit Solution is fully integrated into the process landscape. You can plan your audits comfortably on the basis of the process model and across all locations of your company. Record and evaluate findings and assign them to the requirements and processes. The software offers you a consistent picture from the process to the measures. An escalation management with traffic light display and notification system provides the perfect overview.
PPS ERP for manufacturing companies with focus on production control
PRODAT ERP is a precision tool for organization, planning and quality management in manufacturing - especially for medium-sized businesses. The innovative PPS/ ERP/ MES includes complete invoicing and a complete data management system. It includes the PPS and technology data management functions. Within the master data management it contains options for parts lists, revisions, articles, suppliers, addresses ...
sycat Process Designer
Model, optimize, document processes
Model, optimize, document processes With the sycat Process Designer you create clear graphics of your business processes quickly and easily. Using drag & drop, you can map all activities step by step with predefined modeling elements and add all related documents, IT systems, standard chapters, but also risks and improvement approaches to the individual sections.
All-In-One-Software Thanks to its broad range of services and its flexible and moderate pricing, MService, the all-in-one software, is used by large international companies as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. MService has a modular structure - digitization can gradually integrate individual topics and modules within the company. The result is a naturally growing, comprehensive and centralized overall system into which other systems and apps are also optimally integrated.
Effective quality management for sustainable corporate success
Effective quality management for sustainable corporate success Superior technology and future-proofing: that's what Babtec stands for. For more than 25 years, companies of all sizes and from all industries have been ensuring the quality of their processes and products with our software solutions. Starting from five locations in Germany and Austria as well as a research and development center in Spain, we now support customers in 29 countries and 10 languages in optimizing their quality processes.
QM software for the intelligent digitalization of all quality processes
QM software for the intelligent digitalization of all quality processes e-QSS by Neumann is an extremely flexible, innovative and industry-neutral QA software for the intelligent digitalization of all quality processes. e-QSS is used in medium-sized companies as well as in international corporations for any trade. The market-leading QM software e-QSS was developed especially for service providers and clients who want to keep track of all quality indicators, tickets, complaints, escalation levels and workflows in real time.
Software for calculating heat flows, thermal bridges, isotherms and Uf-values
Software WINISO® for calculating heat flows, thermal bridges, isotherms and Uf-values according to EN ISO 10077-2:2017. Imported CAD files can be analysed automatically and failures in the drawing are removed by the sofware. Therefore complex constructions and systems can be calculated within a short time. Due to the integrated FEM calculating engine, results are determined very precisely.
N5-Solutions - Processes
Web-based solution for process management
Web-based solution for process management Die webbasierte prozessorientierte Unternehmensdokumentation mit der N5-Process Solution ist methodisch klar geführt und intuitiv anwendbar. Sie ist dokumentationssicher durch den automatisierten Lenkungsworkflow (Erstellung, Prüfung, Freigabe) sowie die Versionierung und Archivierung in der Datenbank. Das Programm ermöglicht die Definition der Prozessstrukturen von der obersten Hauptprozessebene top-down bis in eine beliebig wählbare Detaillierungstiefe ...
OTEC -- ERP / PPS Software for Surface Finishing Technologies
OTEC - The powerful Software System for all Surface Finishing Techniques
OTEC  -  The powerful Software System for all Surface Finishing Techniques OTEC BaSyS – the individual tailor-made Software System for the cost of a standard package. Today the usage of a powerful software is a must. Therefore, a sophisticated software system like OTEC, dedicated to the demands and procedures of surface finishing, will optimize the applicable processes and will tighten the related administration procedures.The resulting cost-reduction means advanced efficiency to the company and provides the basic pre-requisites for e.g. acquiring important professional certificates ...
iqs Quality Center - CAQ-Software
iqs CAQ Solutions – synonymous with quality.
The iqs quality center covers all quality assurance areas, from planning to analysis of key quality data. In addition it links all knowledge from the quality assurance modules in one central database, creating a control loop in which feedback is actively used. The quality center effectively becomes a large pool of knowledge. As a standalone solution each modul is a specialist in its own field. Linked as a complete CAQ system, iqs software offers you the best possible functionality. The iqs modules at a glance: iqs FMEA – Failure Mode Effect Analysis ...
QMSys Threads, Tools and Gauges
Software for calculation of threaded products, threading tools and plain gauges
The software QMSys Threads, Tools and Gauges is a professional thread engineering program for calculation of external and internal threads, tolerances and fits for linear sizes, thread and plain gauges, thread cutting and forming taps, designed for engineers, metrologists, quality control managers, and mechanics. The results are based on international and national standards, guidelines and regulations and comprise information about nominal and limit values of thread parameters for threaded products, cutting tools, working, setting as well as checking gauges ...
Powerful software solutions for quality and integrated management systems.
Powerful software solutions for quality and integrated management systems. With the products ConSense IMS (for integrated management systems), ConSense QMS (for quality management systems) and ConSense PMS (for process management systems), ConSense covers the complete range of modern CAQ solutions. ConSense lowers administrative costs by reducing time-consuming maintenance and routine activities. The software for management systems maps all standards and regulations under a uniform interface, including process representation, document control, automatic revision, audit management and much more.
for your process documentation, measures, risk and audit management
for your process documentation, measures, risk and audit management As an integrated management system, WissIntra offers an attractive complete solution for process documentation, action and audit management. It is made up of various individual modules, from the ISO-compliant presentation of your processes to action management, risk and opportunity management and the targeted preparation of audits and certifications. WissIntra fulfills all the requirements of efficient QM software. The clear documentation of company processes ensures company-wide knowledge management.
MSO Maßnahmen-/Workflow-Management
MSO Maßnahmen-Manager – direkt einsetzbar – beliebig skalierbar – einfach konfigurierbar
MSO Maßnahmen-Manager – direkt einsetzbar – beliebig skalierbar – einfach konfigurierbar MSO Management-Software ist ein No-Code Framework zur Gestaltung von individuellen Lösungen zur Digitalisierung, Analyse, Auswertung und Steuerung von Strategien, Programmen, Projekten, Maßnahmen und Prozessen. Einfach, schnell, sicher, spezifisch, anwenderfreundlich :-)...
Workflow management and process management software
Workflow management and process management software With the browser-based workflow management system PANFLOW from Panvision, you can increase the efficiency and transparency of your company processes by mapping and automating recurring workflows without any programming knowledge. In this way, unnecessary extra work can be avoided, which significantly reduces processing times in the various departments, increases the quality of processes and minimizes running costs in the long term.
Process management, QM software and workflow software
Process management, QM software and workflow software SmartProcess is a web-based BPM software and QM software for process management, quality management and workflow management. SmartProcess supports you in modelling processes and managing documents. You can optimally cover ISO 9001:2015. Processes can be optimised via workflow. QM modules such as audit management and qualification management are also included in SmartProcess. Optimise your processes with SmartProcess.
show 1 to 20 (of 37 software programs)