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show 1 to 20 (of 40 software programs)
Inventory, asset and lifecycle management, licence and contract management and much more.
Inventory, asset and lifecycle management, licence and contract management and much more. Management and documentation of all hardware and software assets over their entire life cycle. Linked to contracts, costs, allocation to locations, departments and cost centres, it is the basis for IT operations, planning, controlling and purchasing. Enables the inventory of virtual environments such as vCenter and Hyper-V and allows the hardware and software of the data centre to be managed. Since 2019, Asset.Desk also provides an overview of cloud usage and costs. One of the few SAM tools certified by KPMG since 2015. Allows mobile support of the processes of acquisition, goods receipt, inventory, IT operations and disposal. Interfaces based on REST services allow integration into any corporate environment, e.g. with ERP and helpdesk or similar systems. Asset.Desk makes inventory possible with barcode or RFID.
Key Organiser - Managing locking systems and key receivers
Key and master key system management (for individual keys and group keys)
Key and master key system management (for individual keys and group keys) With key management, you can manage not only door keys and people, but also doors and locking cylinders. The program clearly shows who has which key and what access options are available with it.
Comprehensive support for your BCM and ITSCM
Comprehensive support for your BCM and ITSCM [alive-IT], the emergency management software, was developed for planning and managing emergency situations and is one of the most innovative business continuity and IT service continuity systems on the market. The basic idea is the comprehensive support of all BCM and ITSCM tasks and the avoidance of duplicate data maintenance through automated interfaces. High flexibility and customizability make [alive-IT] the perfect emergency management software.
Automate data capture intelligently | No more data typing!
Automate data capture intelligently | No more data typing! Digitization is taking place gradually and relentlessly. While most daily documents are already available in digital form or are received by the company, many departments are still faced with seemingly endless mountains of documents in paper form. With the TeleForm capture software, however, documents, forms and other records can be automatically captured, analyzed and classified. This results in much faster processing, as all paper documents can be converted into paperless documents in the shortest possible time and used for further processing almost simultaneously ...
rexx HR - Talent Management
Talent management: skills management, seminar management, employee appraisal and much more
Talent management: skills management, seminar management, employee appraisal and much more rexx HR - Talent Management is a tool that supports you in all phases of personnel development and provides the right advice at any time based on solid data. rexx HR offers you everything you need for successful and modern talent management. It includes options for your talent, skill, seminar, performance and applicant management. With rexx HR - Talent Management you optimize and manage employee reviews and target agreements. You can create your job and succession plans easily and quickly ...
TCmanager® LMS
Versatile Learning Management System with broad Training Administration
Versatile Learning Management System with broad Training Administration TCmanager® LMS is the versatile and flexible learning management system with individual learning portals, eLearning platform, qualification module and powerful seminar administration. The learning platform is adapted to your corporate design with individual function packages or is available as a standardised learning portal for quick implementation. TCmanager® is established in academies and human resources development in medium-sized companies and international corporations.
Controlling software for analysis, planning and reporting with IBM Planning Analytics TM1
Controlling software for analysis, planning and reporting with IBM Planning Analytics TM1 elKomBI is the powerful business intelligence solution based on the OLAP databases IBM Planning Analytics TM1 or IBM Planning Analytics Express and Microsoft Excel as the front end. The IBM Planning Analytics TM1 Turbo Integrator enables rapid data integration from your upstream systems and guarantees short implementation times.
Parsec.NET - complete solution for asset inventory
Assets inventory system with RFID and barcode
Assets inventory system with RFID and barcode Asset inventory - inventory software - inventory management with barcode and RFID - inventory execution. Interfaces to SAP, Diamant R/3, UNIT4, DATEV, Wilken, Entire, HIS, ProAlpha, Infor, Schleupen, MACH, NAVISION, Oracle, Sage, Orbis and many more. Parsec.NET ensures a resource-saving and comfortable administration of your systems in compliance with legal regulations.
All-In-One-Software Thanks to its broad range of services and its flexible and moderate pricing, MService, the all-in-one software, is used by large international companies as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. MService has a modular structure - digitization can gradually integrate individual topics and modules within the company. The result is a naturally growing, comprehensive and centralized overall system into which other systems and apps are also optimally integrated.
Software for automatic document reading in the medical sector, scanning instead of typing
Software for automatic document reading in the medical sector, scanning instead of typing QS-Beleg MED is a proven software solution that has been specially developed for laboratories, referral practices and laboratory groups. It enables the fast and precise reading and interpretation of various forms such as health insurance referral forms (e.g. sample 6, sample 10, sample 10A and sample 39) and automatically recognizes the printed patient master data, form-specific data and two-dimensional barcodes (Data Matrix and PDF417). The software works with cost-effective feed scanners that digitize the forms and make the scanned images available for information and the digital archive ...
Software for automatic data capture, scanning instead of typing
Software for automatic data capture, scanning instead of typing QS-Beleg is suitable for interpreting forms with a wide variety of features. First, the papers are scanned and markings, barcodes and 2D barcodes (PDF417 and DataMatrix), machine print and hand block print are recognized and evaluated in any combination and number on the generated image file. QS-Beleg runs under Windows operating systems. The results of the evaluation can be made available directly for subsequent applications (SAP, PAISY, EASY, Excel, etc.) ...
Communication software and EDI interface and EDI converter
Communication software and EDI interface and EDI converter As communication software and EDI converter or EDI interface, !MC5 (formerly Odette MC) offers a wide range of innovative functions and numerous options for the flexible connection of the ERP software to the outside world. !MC5 includes features for data exchange according to common standards (OFTP, OFTP2, etc.), support for the transfer of CAD/CAM data (ENGDAT, ENGPART) as well as the processing and conversion of EDI data (UN/EDIFACT, VDA, ASC X12, etc.).
Efficiency through digitalization of business processing
Efficiency through digitalization of business processing AVENTUM.EDI is a complete solution suite for EDI communication, which automotive manufacturers and large trading companies in particular are increasingly demanding from their suppliers. AVENTUM.EDI is equally suitable for suppliers who want to meet their customers' requirements cost-effectively and for companies who want to develop their own EDI strategy in order to handle their business processes more efficiently. The solution is functionally structured, easy to use and works fully automatically ...
Software for street lighting management
Software for street lighting management The key to efficient street lighting management Founded in 2002, sixData GmbH focuses on developing management information systems for street lighting. Its luxData software is the market leader in the street lighting sector and is used successfully by around 200 local authorities, cities, municipal utilities and energy supply companies in Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Austria and Switzerland. The modernization of street lighting is becoming increasingly important. At the same time, increasingly complex tasks and specifications have to be fulfilled ...
Woodpecker Issue Tracker
webbased Request-, Issue- and Bug-Tracking-Tool
webbased Request-, Issue- and Bug-Tracking-Tool Woodpecker IT is a web-based request, issue or bug tracking tool. You can use it for performing request, version or bug management. Its main function is recording and tracking issues, within a freely defined workflow. Woodpecker IT helps you in increasing your efficiency; lower your costs; integrate your customers and improve the quality of your products. Woodpecker IT offers the functionality of a bug tracking system in combination with high flexibility that allows individual adjustments. Among other things ...
Corporate Planner
Software for Corporate Performance Management
Software for Corporate Performance Management Corporate Planner OC. Focus on the essentials and make targeted decisions. Corporate Planner OC comes with over 300 business administration functions to help you steer your business in the right direction: create top-down or bottom-up plans, produce automatic forecasts, trend analyses and simulations, or run through a variety of scenarios. All your operational budgets can be transferred automatically to the integrated financial plan. Whether it’s variance analysis, 80/20 analysis, break-even analysis, key ratio analysis or trend analysis – our solution offers a wide range of features for dynamic data evaluation ...
Inventory management / Contracts / Licenses / Helpdesk
Inventory management / Contracts / Licenses / Helpdesk ROBERT KNOWS is the industry-neutral software for managing any inventory assets. In addition to pure inventory management, there are modules for managing contracts, licenses and for reading and monitoring network devices. A helpdesk and a rental module round off the range of functions. Inventories can be carried out using barcode scanners and tablets. Thanks to its intuitive operation without costly training, the software can be used quickly.
Lending system and library software
Lending system and library software Libreja is a professional library lending and archiving system with an intuitive web interface. It supports the Windows, Linux and Mac OS X operating systems and is suitable for all types of libraries, such as school libraries, company libraries, public libraries, etc. All you need is a browser – no installation required. If desired, we offer customization and integration into your existing IT infrastructure. Benefit from the integration of your digital documents, RFID, webOPAC, multilingualism...
The PROTAKT add-on for registering and settling accounts for licensed sales packaging
The PROTAKT add-on for registering and settling accounts for licensed sales packaging lizentro is your recycling app that allows you to easily and simply fulfill your legal reporting obligations under the German Packaging Act (VerpackG). lizentro enables you to record and bill your licensed sales and service packaging to all approved dual systems. Our app is available for Business Central 24.
Textkernel - AI Recruitment Software
Machine Intelligence for Matching People and Jobs
Machine Intelligence for Matching People and Jobs Textkernel specializes in semantic recruiting technology with its multilingual CV parser and user-friendly search and matching software. Each of Textkernel's HR applications accelerates and improves the recruiting process. The combination of all products, linked to your existing systems, gives you an unimagined head start.
show 1 to 20 (of 40 software programs)