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Variant management
show 1 to 20 (of 36 software programs)
Resource planning, cost planning, time recording, risk management, project reporting
Resource planning, cost planning, time recording, risk management, project reporting KLUSA is a fully comprehensive project management solution. The KLUSA project software includes the complete mapping of tasks that arise in the context of a project. The software is comfortable to use and extremely adaptable. KLUSA's features include utility and scenario analysis, schedule and resources, reporting and controlling, project portfolio management, risk management, customer and supplier management, and much more. ...
KM2002 - Komplexitäts-, Varianten- und Valuemanagement
Transparente Virtualisierung komplexer Produktmodelle Beratung und Optimierung
Transparente Virtualisierung komplexer Produktmodelle Beratung und Optimierung The KM2002. Our innovative variant management system allows you to customise your products and offer individualised variants at will. Whether in the automotive industry, mechanical engineering, the fashion industry or furniture construction - the KM2002 offers the perfect solution to meet the needs of today's customers and at the same time work efficiently and cost-saving. With an easy to use and professional graphical user interface, the KM2002 is the ideal tool to support the variant and value management in marketing, in the development, in production and selling ...
The Solution for Product Configuration, Price Calculation and Quote Generation (CPQ)
The Solution for Product Configuration, Price Calculation and Quote Generation (CPQ) Our configuration applications are based on our standard NeoCPQ software. Thus, a large part of the required functionality is already available and tested. Our offer configurator is a web-based client-server software. This means it can be accessed from anywhere and is low-maintenance and easy to update during operation. NeoCPQ is a database-based expert system. It enables simple, fast and always correct quotation generation in any language.
Trends, Strategien, Lösungen, Technologien + Best Practices in Berlin23.06. - 24.06.2025
The professional ERP system for SMEs with worry-free release upgrades
The professional ERP system for SMEs with worry-free release upgrades With ORDAT.ERP, ORDAT now offers cross-industry, platform-independent and fully integrated standard software with comprehensive functionality. Based on a proven, highly flexible system architecture and the latest technologies, ORDAT.ERP has sophisticated business management functionalities that are precisely tailored to the needs of medium-sized production companies. The release upgrade concept guarantees that FOSS users always have the latest ERP software, as 2 releases are delivered each year.
PPS ERP for manufacturing companies with focus on production control
PRODAT ERP is a precision tool for organization, planning and quality management in manufacturing - especially for medium-sized businesses. The innovative PPS/ ERP/ MES includes complete invoicing and a complete data management system. It includes the PPS and technology data management functions. Within the master data management it contains options for parts lists, revisions, articles, suppliers, addresses ...
sycat Process Designer
Model, optimize, document processes
Model, optimize, document processes With the sycat Process Designer you create clear graphics of your business processes quickly and easily. Using drag & drop, you can map all activities step by step with predefined modeling elements and add all related documents, IT systems, standard chapters, but also risks and improvement approaches to the individual sections.
Risk management software for DFMEA, PFMEA, Process Flow and Control Plan
Risk management software for DFMEA, PFMEA, Process Flow and Control Plan The FMEA software package CIMOS™ has been developed together with QM and R&D professionals in manufacturing companies. Central point of the netware application is a "box of bricks" system consisting of standardized process step (P-FMEA) or component/function (D-FMEA, FMEA-MSR) modules as integral parts of structure trees. CIMOS™ represents a very user friendly and easy to handle solution - despite its exceptional ability to solve very complex issues.
ERP software for medium-sized manufacturing companies
ERP software for medium-sized manufacturing companies The FEPA ERP/PPS software is based on a 3-component concept. Depending on customer requirements, the modules of the FEPA basic software are combined with industry objects and functional add ons to create a customized standard software solution. FEPA can thus map highly differentiated industry and company-specific forms of organization and production. Among other things, it contains functions for sales, purchasing, materials management and costing ...
Industry software and ERP solution for the plastics and process industry
Industry software and ERP solution for the plastics and process industry With MODUS INDUSTRY you will find an efficient software solution for all requirements of plastics and process manufacturers. Based on Microsoft Dynamics, we have further developed the company software and offer specific modules for the plastics processing industry. The 25 years of experience in the manufacturing industry show us the relevance of machine allocation and sequence planning, setup planning, batch tracking as well as scheduling and the maintenance planning of the machines.
Industry software and ERP solution for the plastics, metal and supply industry
Industry software and ERP solution for the plastics, metal and supply industry With MODUS INDUSTRY, you get an innovative and forward-looking ERP software solution that supports a high degree of effective planning and coordination within your company. The business software maps all processes, from planning, production and quality assurance to delivery and invoicing. MODUS INDUSTRY connects all your processes across locations, companies and countries.
THE ERP system for mechanical and plant engineering
THE ERP system for mechanical and plant engineering As a complete ERP system, SIVAS.ERP maps all operational processes of a company. The complete solution was developed especially for the special requirements in contract manufacturing. The numerous modules include a process management with workflow, a product configuration, project management and sales, construction and technology incl. production order system, bill of material management, materials management, QM, service management and much more. Apps are available for mobile data exchange with CRM, service or manufacturing.
Industry software and ERP solution for all processes in the furniture industry
Industry software and ERP solution for all processes in the furniture industry MODUS FURNITURE bietet – ausgerichtet auf die Anforderungen mittelständischer Unternehmen – eine Komplettlösung über die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette der Möbelindustrie. Sie erhalten ein vollständiges Supply Chain Management (SCM), das heißt, alle Prozesse von der grafischen Auftragsplanung über die Bereiche Angebot, Bestellung, Material- und Fertigungslogistik bis zur Auslieferung an den Handel sind in dem System integriert. MODUS FURNITURE stellt alle Funktionalitäten für die Segmente Bad/Küche, Wohnen/Schlafen, Büromöbel, Polstermöbel oder Objektfertiger zur Verfügung.
The all-in-one ERP system for the manufacturing industry
The all-in-one ERP system for the manufacturing industry The cloud-enabled ERP software VlexPlus is based on state-of-the-art web technologies and ensures that the balancing act between flexibility in production management on the one hand and process efficiency on the other succeeds. The entire variant management has been deeply integrated into the business processes. The advantage: all processes relating to the configuration, planning and distribution of a wide range of article variants remain under control.
ERP solution with all functions for commercial and technical order processing
ERP solution with all functions for commercial and technical order processing Ams.erp is an integrated standard software package that contains all the necessary functions for commercial and technical order processing. This includes functions for production planning and production control (PPS) as well as support for upstream and downstream areas. ams.erp has been specially developed for the target industries with the production types make-to-order production, make-to-order production and variant production or their combinations and therefore includes the special functionality ...
More efficiency in production and logistics
More efficiency in production and logistics WITNESS is the leading development software for the simulation of production and logistics processes. Visualize your dynamic processes in 2D and 3D. Recognize the current weak points in assembly, production or logistics. WITNESS Manufacturing can take into account an unlimited number of products and variants and map even the most complex material flows. Among other things, it is suitable for modeling chemical, mineralogical and ceramic process flows.
N5-Solutions - Processes
Web-based solution for process management
Web-based solution for process management Die webbasierte prozessorientierte Unternehmensdokumentation mit der N5-Process Solution ist methodisch klar geführt und intuitiv anwendbar. Sie ist dokumentationssicher durch den automatisierten Lenkungsworkflow (Erstellung, Prüfung, Freigabe) sowie die Versionierung und Archivierung in der Datenbank. Das Programm ermöglicht die Definition der Prozessstrukturen von der obersten Hauptprozessebene top-down bis in eine beliebig wählbare Detaillierungstiefe ...
iqs Quality Center - CAQ-Software
iqs CAQ Solutions – synonymous with quality.
The iqs quality center covers all quality assurance areas, from planning to analysis of key quality data. In addition it links all knowledge from the quality assurance modules in one central database, creating a control loop in which feedback is actively used. The quality center effectively becomes a large pool of knowledge. As a standalone solution each modul is a specialist in its own field. Linked as a complete CAQ system, iqs software offers you the best possible functionality. The iqs modules at a glance: iqs FMEA – Failure Mode Effect Analysis ...
Powerful software solutions for quality and integrated management systems.
Powerful software solutions for quality and integrated management systems. With the products ConSense IMS (for integrated management systems), ConSense QMS (for quality management systems) and ConSense PMS (for process management systems), ConSense covers the complete range of modern CAQ solutions. ConSense lowers administrative costs by reducing time-consuming maintenance and routine activities. The software for management systems maps all standards and regulations under a uniform interface, including process representation, document control, automatic revision, audit management and much more.
audius:CRM+ERP for production and trade
Industry solution combines CRM and ERP in one software
Industry solution combines CRM and ERP in one software With the audius:CRM+ERP industry solutions for production and retail, audius combines customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) for end-to-end business processes. Users receive business software with a standardized database and user interface. It supports business process and sales management and spans the processes of the company units sales, marketing, customer service, production, purchasing, warehousing and distribution. These areas work across departments with a common software and receive clear and streamlined processes, for more efficiency and without redundant activities. The basis is the CRM functions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales, extended by the application areas of ERP systems.
Process optimization and cost reduction with modular MES software
Process optimization and cost reduction with modular MES software From production data acquisition to maintenance and detailed planning: with gfos.MES, we support customers on their way to Industry 4.0. The system collects and visualizes all relevant operating, machine and process data in real time. Information on the status of production equipment or orders can be called up transparently in the central system at any time, relieving employees of routine tasks.
show 1 to 20 (of 36 software programs)