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show 1 to 20 (of 30 software programs)
Resource planning, cost planning, time recording, risk management, project reporting
Resource planning, cost planning, time recording, risk management, project reporting KLUSA is a fully comprehensive project management solution. The KLUSA project software includes the complete mapping of tasks that arise in the context of a project. The software is comfortable to use and extremely adaptable. KLUSA's features include utility and scenario analysis, schedule and resources, reporting and controlling, project portfolio management, risk management, customer and supplier management, and much more. ...
EcholoN Service Management Suite
EcholoN - holistic service management
EcholoN - holistic service management EcholoN - From practice for practice - Whether for the help desk, service desk, incident, facility and asset management or IT SM in accordance with ITIL - EcholoN covers all processes for service, support and customer care as a central, process-based service management platform. Required functions and processes can be served from the standard or adapted to specific requirements. From simple mask customization to individual process design: EcholoN offers the possibility to do this without programming.
CWA SmartProcess
Complaint Management Software
Complaint Management Software SmartProcess offers workflow-based processing of complaints and grievances. The processing of complaints is simple and fast. Comprehensive reports enable improvements. Repeat errors are reduced. You are actively supported in complaint management and complaint handling. SmartProcess is easy to use.
Projektron BCS - Web-based project management software
Projektron BCS – The web-based software for managing your projects
Projektron BCS – The web-based software for managing your projects Projektron BCS – BCS stands for Business Coordination Software. Comprehensive functions – individual customizing – reliable technology. The web-based software Projektron BCS combines comprehensive functions for project management and ERP in a single solution and supports companies in the efficient planning, control and evaluation of their projects and resources. Whether in project planning, coordination or analysis after completion – Projektron BCS enables you to control all project phases easily and effectively and to always keep control over project progress, expenses and material costs ...
PPS ERP for manufacturing companies with focus on production control
PRODAT ERP is a precision tool for organization, planning and quality management in manufacturing - especially for medium-sized businesses. The innovative PPS/ ERP/ MES includes complete invoicing and a complete data management system. It includes the PPS and technology data management functions. Within the master data management it contains options for parts lists, revisions, articles, suppliers, addresses ...
The CRM for successful selling
The CRM for successful selling TOPIX supports all marketing and sales activities, as well as all customer- and supplier-oriented business processes. With the comprehensive address and contact person management, you can access and enter all company and personal data from anywhere, even while on the road. With a smartphone, you always have direct access to all important data.
TimO project management, time tracking, capacity manag. and controling
Project planning, project steering, project controlling, time management - 100% web based
Time Management Office® is a network-, internet- und intranet based software for project planning, project controlling, project monitoring, resource management, capacity planning, expense planning, project expense management, process optimisation and time sheet. Additionally Time Management Office can be used for order- and service related time and cost management. Time Management Office can be parameterised to disable unnecessary functions. (As extensive as necessary!). Many applications in this sector come with a variety of useful functions ...
PisaSales CRM
PisaSales CRM
PisaSales CRM The PisaSales CRM covers all requirements from the areas of marketing, sales and service. Designed for use in medium-sized and large companies, our CRM solution is one of the most powerful systems on the European market today. We offer you a highly flexible CRM standard solution that can be quickly deployed and individually adapted. 100% Made in Germany - in use worldwide!...
Trends, Strategien, Lösungen, Technologien + Best Practices in Berlin23.06. - 24.06.2025
Magic Data Management & Analytics Platform
Organizational Intelligence for Business Excellence
Organizational Intelligence for Business Excellence Connect Magic xpi Remedy, the leading solution for IT service management and AR systems, conveniently with other service and business solutions such as ERP systems, financial accounting, HR applications or SAP applications. Organise service management processes worldwide and across company boundaries. Magic xpi Remedy can be connected to any existing mask in the AR system.
objectiF RPM
Your Holistic Solution for Requirements Engineering and Project Management Software
Your Holistic Solution for Requirements Engineering and Project Management Software objectiF RPM ist eine gemeinsame Arbeitsumgebung für alle, die an anforderungsbasierter Entwicklung von Produkten, Software und Systemen beteiligt sind – vom Linien-, Projekt- und Produktmanager über den Business Analysten und Requirements Engineer bis zum Systemarchitekten, Qualitätsmanager, Tester und Entwickler. Schwerpunkte der Tool-Unterstützung bilden das anforderungsbasierte Projektmanagement und das Requirements Engineering.
Project Software - ERP for Service Providers
Collaborate digitally, move more. Powerful for large projects and lean for small ones. PROJEKTA gives you an overview and transparency. From planning to realization to follow-up - in all project phases you have insight into the current project status at any time. Create offers, organize your documents, benefit from the simple and automatically controlled process flows for your projects. The billing of hours and lump sum orders is simplified with the billing module.
PLANTA Project - Agile and TRaditional Project Management
Agile, classical and traditional multi-project management
Agile, classical and traditional multi-project management PLANTA project lets you keep a perfect overview of dates, resources and costs of your projects. Plan and control your projects systematically and you are always up to date with regard to the current project status.
Improve QM-Software
Quality Management Software, CAQ and QM Solution, Risk Management
Quality Management Software, CAQ and QM Solution, Risk Management Improve, the standard solution in quality management, supports you in all requirements. From the recording of a report to the concrete improvement solution, Improve accompanies you and ensures a simple and fast solution finding. Continuous defect recording helps you achieve greater transparency and order. Idea management and customer surveys clearly show where there is potential for improvement. With the "open work" function, you can see which tasks ...
Inventory management / Contracts / Licenses / Helpdesk
Inventory management / Contracts / Licenses / Helpdesk ROBERT KNOWS is the industry-neutral software for managing any inventory assets. In addition to pure inventory management, there are modules for managing contracts, licenses and for reading and monitoring network devices. A helpdesk and a rental module round off the range of functions. Inventories can be carried out using barcode scanners and tablets. Thanks to its intuitive operation without costly training, the software can be used quickly.
Field Service Management - Dispatch
Personnel deployment and geographic planning for the mechanical and plant engineering
Personnel deployment and geographic planning for the mechanical and plant engineering Planning at a glance: capacity, status, history Innosoft Dispatch provides you with the complete picture of your service planning by clearly presenting all relevant information. Intuitive menu navigation and numerous options for detailed scheduling and flexible interaction ensure optimal capacity utilization, transparency and maximum efficiency in dispatching.
Helpdesk-Software / IT-Service-Management-Software
Helpdesk-Software / IT-Service-Management-Software Ticket System, Helpdesk, Servicedesk, Full-Service-Management, Incident- und Problem-Management. Neben dem Ticketersteller erfasst das System auch den Zeitpunkt der Erstellung, Personalien, Prioritätsstufe/Dringlichkeit, Problembeschreibung und eine Übersicht bisheriger Bearbeiter. Hohe Prozessindividualisierung, ein hoher Individualisierungsgrad und eine strukturierte und intuitive Benutzeroberfläche sind Kernkompetenzen. Service Level Agreements können abgebildet werden. Eingangskanäle sind: Self-Service-Portal, E-Mail Schnittstelle oder Call In Support. Self-Hosting oder SaaS sind möglich. Der Funktionsumfang ist bei Veränderungen anpassbar. Auch als App.
MSO Maßnahmen-/Workflow-Management
MSO Maßnahmen-Manager – direkt einsetzbar – beliebig skalierbar – einfach konfigurierbar
MSO Maßnahmen-Manager – direkt einsetzbar – beliebig skalierbar – einfach konfigurierbar MSO Management-Software ist ein No-Code Framework zur Gestaltung von individuellen Lösungen zur Digitalisierung, Analyse, Auswertung und Steuerung von Strategien, Programmen, Projekten, Maßnahmen und Prozessen. Einfach, schnell, sicher, spezifisch, anwenderfreundlich :-)...
CAS genesisWorld
The flexible, complete CRM system for all areas of your company
The flexible, complete CRM system for all areas of your company CAS genesisWorld is a CRM solution that can be flexibly adapted to industry requirements and business areas. Intelligent interfaces ensure seamless integration into existing systems. A central database and smart functions provide support for daily tasks - online and offline, from anywhere and in SmartDesign® on all end devices.
Backlog-free scheduling/capacity planning: intuitive, what-if, bottleneck planning, etc.
Backlog-free scheduling/capacity planning: intuitive, what-if, bottleneck planning, etc. 4APS supports you in better organizing, planning and controlling your value creation processes. The software is modularly expandable. From a stand-alone planning board to full ERP/PPS/MES integration, 4APS handles multi-resource planning of single orders and complex order networks in terms of Advanced Planning & Scheduling (APS). The solution is scalable from small, medium to large data volumes. Due to the latest Java technology, it is platform-independent and individually customizable in the user interface.
audius:Software & Consulting for IT, software and consulting companies
Industry solution IT, software and consulting companies.
Industry solution IT, software and consulting companies. The solution offers industry-specific business processes for consulting services and service processes as well as license management for software and consulting companies. It has a modular structure and refines the business processes of Microsoft Dynamics 365 to meet the typical requirements of these industries in sales, order processing and product management. Depending on the selected scope of services, Dynamics 365 Sales and Dynamics 365 Customer Service form the basis.
show 1 to 20 (of 30 software programs)