The leading contract management software for mid-sized and enterprise businesses
ContractHero ist eine führende digitale Vertragsmanagement-Lösung für Geschäftskunden. Die Software-as-a-Service hilft kleineren und mittelständischen Unternehmen (KMU) sowie Startups bei der Digitalisierung und Automatisierung manueller Prozesse im Finanz- und Rechtsbereich. ContractHero macht das Vertragsmanagement endlich ganz einfach und bringt den Entscheidern die Kontrolle zurück.
Odoo is THE all-in-one, modular business platform. The only platform you will ever need to run your business successfully. Odoo maps all business requirements in a single, cost-effective solution.
Aktefix® digital file, document and workflow management With aktefix® digital you complete the digitalization and organization of your office operations. The industry-neutral software solution aktefix® digital serves as a digital link between Outlook® / MS Office products and virtually all industry solutions with ERP, CRM or accounting systems. Flexibility and adaptability are particularly important for small and medium-sized companies. This applies to the business activities as well as to the software used in the company ...
In mydocma BS, organizational, structural and plant-specific fire protection measures can be properly documented or corresponding deficiencies can be processed with just a few clicks – with mobile recording including photo documentation and voice input, consistent deadline tracking, proven written templates, a fast clearance procedure, standardized reports, etc.
For school library, learning resource management, public library, and law office.
An example: With a Perpustakaan license, you can perfectly organize school library and learning materials management. Specialized and sophisticated functions are available for the respective areas. For example, you can generate 200 media for a textbook at once and print out the associated barcodes. Copies can then be borrowed as a class set. Or you can let Perpustakaan generate needs lists based on student profiles and monitor the complete loan per student. Either way, there is an accurate record of which student has which book.
The AI-powered platform Doxis Intelligent Content Automation is the next level of enterprise content management: It bridges and automates content across your ecosystem to create a 360° view of business.
Worldwide, WordPress is used for about 42% of all websites. WordPress serves bloggers, startups and small business owners as well as global corporations. The open source WordPress content management system requires no programming knowledge ...
a highly professional and flexible content management system
TYPO3 is a powerful, flexible and scalable open source content management system (CMS) used for millions of websites worldwide. With TYPO3 you can easily create and manage your business website without any programming knowledge to create a user-friendly and professional online presence for your company ...
What is Joomla! Joomla! is a powerful open-source content management system (CMS) that allows users to easily create and manage websites. Joomla! has been one of the most popular CMS platforms for years and is used by millions of websites around the world ...