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show 81 to 100 (of 215 software programs)
Powerful software solutions for quality and integrated management systems.
Powerful software solutions for quality and integrated management systems. With the products ConSense IMS (for integrated management systems), ConSense QMS (for quality management systems) and ConSense PMS (for process management systems), ConSense covers the complete range of modern CAQ solutions. ConSense lowers administrative costs by reducing time-consuming maintenance and routine activities. The software for management systems maps all standards and regulations under a uniform interface, including process representation, document control, automatic revision, audit management and much more.
for your process documentation, measures, risk and audit management
for your process documentation, measures, risk and audit management As an integrated management system, WissIntra offers an attractive complete solution for process documentation, action and audit management. It is made up of various individual modules, from the ISO-compliant presentation of your processes to action management, risk and opportunity management and the targeted preparation of audits and certifications. WissIntra fulfills all the requirements of efficient QM software. The clear documentation of company processes ensures company-wide knowledge management.
audius:Finance for financial service providers
Industry solution for financial service providers
Industry solution for financial service providers The audius:Finance industry solution combines the general benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales with the specific requirements of various groups of financial service providers: it offers business processes for asset management, the development and sale of investment products, real estate development and brokerage as well as for insurance brokers. Financial service providers receive a modular software solution that is precisely tailored to their business model.
Integrated overall solution for controlling, project and office organization and managemen
Integrated overall solution for controlling, project and office organization and managemen PROJEKT PRO has been bringing structure and efficiency to the project processes of planning offices for 30 years. Landscape architect Harald Mair and his 50-strong team are constantly finding new approaches to support architects and engineers in organizing their work and managing their projects economically. As a professional industry solution, PROJEKT PRO now offers stability and operational reliability to over 24,000 users in more than 2,500 offices - on all common platforms, in the office and on the road.
From the idea to the solution
From the idea to the solution MR.KNOW provides with LOW-CODE & NO-CODE-BPM as well as the MR.KNOW - PLATFORM and the digital wizards extensive possibilities for project leaders and project managers for the implementation of your projects. Model and automate your processes with one of the most powerful BPM software on the market. MR.KNOW - BPM supports as a holistic Business Process Management Suite (BPMS) with the modules Processboard, Modeling, Automation, Low Coding, User Interfaces, Process Portal as well as Monitoring in the creation of business processes and enables a fast implementation of enterprise-wide solutions.
BvLArchivio DMS
Document Management System
Document Management System Secure your company data with BvLArchivio, the certified archiving solution for legally compliant, tamper-proof and efficient storage of your documents. BvLArchivio protects against ransomware, simplifies the document workflow and enables quick access to archived data. Benefit from an all-in-one solution that is ready for immediate use and meets the highest data security and compliance requirements.
Digital contract management for maximum control and transparency
Digital contract management for maximum control and transparency The solution is a system for managing your contracts. It enables the creation of contracts based on centrally managed templates. It also includes functions for contract approval workflows with release, automatic release creation for contract changes and the transfer of scanned contracts. The program includes deadline monitoring and a reminder function in the PHOENIX mailbox or by email. The contract partner database is integrated or via an interface in the financial accounting system...
Process optimization and cost reduction with modular MES software
Process optimization and cost reduction with modular MES software From production data acquisition to maintenance and detailed planning: with gfos.MES, we support customers on their way to Industry 4.0. The system collects and visualizes all relevant operating, machine and process data in real time. Information on the status of production equipment or orders can be called up transparently in the central system at any time, relieving employees of routine tasks.
MSO Maßnahmen-/Workflow-Management
MSO Maßnahmen-Manager – direkt einsetzbar – beliebig skalierbar – einfach konfigurierbar
MSO Maßnahmen-Manager – direkt einsetzbar – beliebig skalierbar – einfach konfigurierbar MSO Management-Software ist ein No-Code Framework zur Gestaltung von individuellen Lösungen zur Digitalisierung, Analyse, Auswertung und Steuerung von Strategien, Programmen, Projekten, Maßnahmen und Prozessen. Einfach, schnell, sicher, spezifisch, anwenderfreundlich :-)...
PANSITE - Content Management System (CMS)
Powerful content management system - for complex websites and intranet presences
Powerful content management system - for complex websites and intranet presences With the browser-based, powerful content management system PANSITE, you can realize both complex websites and ambitious intranet projects and control the targeted, personalized provision of information on any end device. Maintain your content decentrally and across locations and design your pages exactly according to your ideas with the help of prefabricated special elements and numerous add-ons - even in large teams of editors.
Technical Wholesale
ERP-solution based on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
ERP-solution based on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central With the technical wholesale industry solution, prisma informatik offers scalable ERP software for the wholesale trade. The solution includes a broad, integrated range of modules as standard for standardised control of company processes. The business software is based on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Workflow management and process management software
Workflow management and process management software With the browser-based workflow management system PANFLOW from Panvision, you can increase the efficiency and transparency of your company processes by mapping and automating recurring workflows without any programming knowledge. In this way, unnecessary extra work can be avoided, which significantly reduces processing times in the various departments, increases the quality of processes and minimizes running costs in the long term.
Digital Asset Management Software
Digital Asset Management Software PANBASE is a multi-client capable, browser-based digital asset management system. You can use it to record, organize and distribute large stocks of media files for your intranet or internet. Determine the access rights to your media files and use logging to determine for what purpose and by whom assets were requested. With PANBASE, you have a powerful tool for the logical organization of your media files.
C/3 Enterprise
A highly efficient merchandise management system
With C/3 Enterprise, Stüer Software & Consulting GmbH from Bochum offers a highly efficient concept for a merchandise management solution especially for the retail trade, which optimally supports retailers in their day-to-day business. The modular system is constantly being further developed by our company in close cooperation with users. The third generation of the software offers an open database architecture based on Microsoft SQL Server 2014 ...
C/3 Content Management
Content maintenance of your company website using the C/3 content management system
Content maintenance of your company website using the C/3 content management system C/3 Content Management impresses with its high performance and user-friendliness. The CMS enables you to keep all content for the Internet or intranet up to date in the shortest possible time. The modular software is multilingual and you can quickly and easily add or disable additional functions without affecting the main functions. This means you can constantly expand your Internet portal and experience 100% system integration.
Backlog-free scheduling/capacity planning: intuitive, what-if, bottleneck planning, etc.
Backlog-free scheduling/capacity planning: intuitive, what-if, bottleneck planning, etc. 4APS supports you in better organizing, planning and controlling your value creation processes. The software is modularly expandable. From a stand-alone planning board to full ERP/PPS/MES integration, 4APS handles multi-resource planning of single orders and complex order networks in terms of Advanced Planning & Scheduling (APS). The solution is scalable from small, medium to large data volumes. Due to the latest Java technology, it is platform-independent and individually customizable in the user interface.
Content Crawler
The contentCrawler enables the extraction of structured data on the Internet
Our company is an expert in crawling websites and documents using artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques. For more than ten years mindUp has been using crawlers to collect structured data on the Internet (information harvesting, web farming). Fields of application are content-based advertising (e.g. for eBay Relevance Ads, billiger. de content Ads and smartshopping context ad), behavioral targeting (auto-categorization of websites to build up user profiles of surfers and the subsequent customer group-related advertising) ...
Software for occupancy planning and space optimization
Software for occupancy planning and space optimization Discover the innovative solutions from ReCoTech GmbH for sustainable and efficient office space optimization. With our smart tools and comprehensive services, we support companies in adapting their office space to today's needs, reducing CO2 emissions and saving costs. Let's work together to create a productive and flexible working environment.
Instandhaltungssoftware CMMS
technische Dokumentation und Instandhaltung
CMMS ist eine internet-gestützte Software zur technischen Dokumentation und Instandhaltung von komplexen Anlagen im Bereich Luft- und Raumfahrt und Anlagenbau. Sie ist einsetzbar für die Wartungsplanung und das Wartungsmanagement. Sie können damit periodische Wartungsvorgänge planen und durchführen. Das Programm enthält Optionen für Reparaturen und Modifikationen und die Erstellung von Prozeduren mit Freigabeworkflow. Bestellvorschlägen können anhand der geplanten Wartungsvorgänge generiert werden. Darüber hinaus beinhaltet sie ein Bestell- und Auftragsmanagement ...
Process management, QM software and workflow software
Process management, QM software and workflow software SmartProcess is a web-based BPM software and QM software for process management, quality management and workflow management. SmartProcess supports you in modelling processes and managing documents. You can optimally cover ISO 9001:2015. Processes can be optimised via workflow. QM modules such as audit management and qualification management are also included in SmartProcess. Optimise your processes with SmartProcess.
show 81 to 100 (of 215 software programs)