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show 61 to 80 (of 238 software programs)
Data warehouse, cost accounting, planning, reporting, business analytics for SMEs
Data warehouse, cost accounting, planning, reporting, business analytics for SMEs The modular and industry-neutral software solution PST-BI is aimed at medium-sized and upper medium-sized companies as well as international corporations. PST-BI is specially designed for the requirements of the finance, cost and sales controlling and marketing departments and offers holistic and user-oriented business intelligence solutions for modern corporate management. Together with our customers, we implement flexible, customized BI solutions based on Microsoft's SQL Server.
THE ERP system for mechanical and plant engineering
THE ERP system for mechanical and plant engineering As a complete ERP system, SIVAS.ERP maps all operational processes of a company. The complete solution was developed especially for the special requirements in contract manufacturing. The numerous modules include a process management with workflow, a product configuration, project management and sales, construction and technology incl. production order system, bill of material management, materials management, QM, service management and much more. Apps are available for mobile data exchange with CRM, service or manufacturing.
Complete veneer goods management with various components
Complete veneer goods management with various components Complete veneer merchandise management with the following components: Purchasing: Recording and distribution of all purchasing costs, even over several lots. Automatic cost distribution via purchase value, volume or area. Foreign currency recording with exchange rate and updating or correction in the event of exchange rate fluctuations. Incoming invoice control with various grouping and filter options. Grading: single package and master goods grading; quick grading of complete pallets Color differentiation of veneer qualities on the screen, acoustic feedback ...
Software solution for freight cost analysis, controlling and simulation
Software solution for freight cost analysis, controlling and simulation SCALA - Simulation, Controlling, Analysis of Logistic Processes SCALA is a freight simulation program that supports the user in simulating and analyzing logistic issues (e.g. tender, distribution, warehouse locations, etc.). SCALA can be used in a national or international environment with air, sea, land or express transports. Features: Comfortable EXCEL and ODBC import on shipment, package or transport level as well as mass import of tariffs, grouping and summation during import, master data management (countries, frankings ...
IT solution for room & workstation booking, conference management and digital signage
IT solution for room & workstation booking, conference management and digital signage We turn your conference and event management into an "operational success factor"! Event-IS is THE modern and intelligent solution for your conference management. With Event-IS, Integral offers an industry-independent IT system that provides you with time- and cost-saving, professional support for the organization, administration and management of workflows in all relevant areas of your company. The application can be used for events of any type and complexity, from meetings without hospitality to the organization of large events ...
ERP complete solution for medium-sized businesses
The OGSiD software was developed in-house on the basis of extensive industry experience and covers all commercial, technical and individual requirements. All important commercial processes can be covered. OGSiD has a modular structure and offers additional add-on modules. Based on company processes, the functionalities of the Business Pack can be expanded in a targeted and individual way. The solution is web-based and multi-client capable.
knk Subscription Management Module
Module of the knk publishing software for convenient management of your subscribers
Module of the knk publishing software for convenient management of your subscribers knkVerlag supports both the management and billing of subscriptions in the field of journals, loose-leaf publications, online databases and magazines in printed and digital form (including the sale of apps). Contract entry in knkVerlag can be standardized and made user-friendly by defining contract templates. A wide variety of parameters can be stored in the templates, such as minimum terms, notice periods, special prices and billing cycles.
Project Software - ERP for Service Providers
Collaborate digitally, move more. Powerful for large projects and lean for small ones. PROJEKTA gives you an overview and transparency. From planning to realization to follow-up - in all project phases you have insight into the current project status at any time. Create offers, organize your documents, benefit from the simple and automatically controlled process flows for your projects. The billing of hours and lump sum orders is simplified with the billing module.
target Idea Management for use with SAP
Idea management software, SAP certified, standard solution
Idea management software, SAP certified, standard solution Unique worldwide: Software for idea and innovation management with SAP technology Use the creative potential in your team with target software for efficient idea and innovation management. Thanks to the direct use of SAP data and technology, our software offers the best solution for SAP systems worldwide.
Merchandise management / ERP for clothing wholesalers, textile wholesalers, fashion agenci
Our customers expect first-class products and professional support at fair conditions - and that is precisely our claim. What do we offer? Merchandise management / ERP for textile wholesalers / clothing wholesalers. Decades of industry experience flow into the software. TextileGraphics includes order processing, PDM, mobile order entry, materials management, goods reservation, commission accounting, invoicing, inventory, EDI, Intrastat, reporting and much more.
isiplan RV - Spezial-Software für die Vermietbranche
Software zur Vermietung von Wohnmobilen, Caravans, Baumaschinen, Anhängern, Transportern
isiplan RV ist eine cloudbasierte Software, mit der Sie Ihr Vermietgeschäft einfach und effizient ausführen. isiplan eignet sich zur Vermietung von Wohnmobilen, Caravans aber auch für Baumaschinen, Anhänger, Motorräder, Transporter, LKW, Hüpfburgen, Ferienwohnungen und Boote. Herzstück ist eine grafische Disposition mit der der gesamte Vermietvorgang abgewickelt wird. Die Software ist intuitiv zu bedienen und wird permanent weiterentwickelt. Verschlüsselung, Berechtigungsverwaltung und Passwortschutz sorgen für hohe Sicherheit. isiplan RV ist mandantenfähig und mehrsprachig. Alle Drucke (Mietverträge, Übergabe- und Rücknahme-Protokoll, ...) können individuell gestaltet werden.
A powerful ERP with integrated CRM
A powerful ERP with integrated CRM TOPIX is a sector-neutral, modular and scalable ERP system for both MAC OS and Windows. With two product lines (professional and enterprise), TOPIX covers the entire range of business solutions for sole traders and larger companies with several hundred employees. Due to the wide range of modules, TOPIX can provide a particularly large scope of services. TOPIX is constantly being expanded and adapted to legal changes. An access protection system regulates user access to program areas and functions.
Create your online-surveys and dashboards
Create your online-surveys and dashboards Mit SphinxCloud erstellen Sie Ihre Onlineumfrage: Sämtliche Fragetypen sind per Klick auswählbar, navigieren Sie Ihre Befragten durch Filterführungen, konditionellen Anzeigen oder Berechnungen durch den Fragebogen. Das Besondere an der Umfragelösung: Werten Sie die Onlineumfrage über das Dashboard-Tool optimal aus: Grafisch mit einer Vielzahl von Darstellungsmöglichkeiten, Kreuztabellen, Kommentaren, Bildern, heben Sie Kennwerte visuell hervor. Natürlich EU-DSGVO-konform.
Equipment-Planning-Organisation-System for cranes, heavy duty transports, lift platforms
Equipment-Planning-Organisation-System for cranes, heavy duty transports, lift platforms The Equipment Planning and Organisation System is the information centre for your whole business. E.P.O.S. is a modular software system which has been developed and been optimised especially for the crane rental and access equipment industry and oversize transports.
mediaSuite Business Extension abo
Subscription and member management with integrated scatter and change dispatch
Subscription and member management with integrated scatter and change dispatch abo. With mediaSuite crm and the Business Extension abo you have everything you need for professional sales in the areas of sales management, advertising and service: From address maintenance, selections and promotions, order management, dispatch and invoice history to serial letters, commissions and bonuses, through to advertising success analyses such as CPO and detailed sales statistics. Fast entry, quick retrieval, convenient processing and clear information - this is what the sales professional expects from modern subscription management ...
Software for libraries
Software for libraries The BVS product family is based on years of development, improvements, and enhancements. Each BVS product has been developed to require minimal hardware requirements and is based on methodologies that allow endusers to learn the product quickly with ease of use. BVS products support features such as MAB-Format compatibility, data import / export facilities, bar code checkout methodologies, and many more valuable features: Checkout Counter including receipt printing and bar code input, Allows remote borrowing / sign outs ...
Software for street lighting management
Software for street lighting management The key to efficient street lighting management Founded in 2002, sixData GmbH focuses on developing management information systems for street lighting. Its luxData software is the market leader in the street lighting sector and is used successfully by around 200 local authorities, cities, municipal utilities and energy supply companies in Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Austria and Switzerland. The modernization of street lighting is becoming increasingly important. At the same time, increasingly complex tasks and specifications have to be fulfilled ...
Woodpecker Issue Tracker
webbased Request-, Issue- and Bug-Tracking-Tool
webbased Request-, Issue- and Bug-Tracking-Tool Woodpecker IT is a web-based request, issue or bug tracking tool. You can use it for performing request, version or bug management. Its main function is recording and tracking issues, within a freely defined workflow. Woodpecker IT helps you in increasing your efficiency; lower your costs; integrate your customers and improve the quality of your products. Woodpecker IT offers the functionality of a bug tracking system in combination with high flexibility that allows individual adjustments. Among other things ...
Software for maintenance
KIPSS for maintenance engineers is a maintenance, planning and control system (IPS system) that incorporates knowledge from over 35 years of practical experience in this field. The application not only covers all maintenance requirements, but can also be used quickly as it is straightforward, easy to learn and easy to use. KIPSS is a tool that adapts to the wishes and specific requirements of the user and can therefore be used in all sectors and areas. The modular concept allows only those modules to be used that are actually required ...
Digitize your Company
Digitize your Company teamspace is an enterprise software with which modern teams work together efficiently and successfully. Network your team in the cloud and manage your business processes with practicality and foresight. From the sales process to project planning and billing to the management of customer data.
show 61 to 80 (of 238 software programs)