The ERP software v.Soft with its editions for retail and services supports companies from the retail, wholesale and mail order sectors as well as service companies with service or project business, such as plant manufacturers, IT service providers, engineers and agencies. The focus is on integrated and automated processes as well as comprehensive, cross-company evaluations.
Maintenance software for planning, controlling and analyzing your workflows
SAMA Maintenance Management supports transparent planning, scheduling, monitoring, feedback and evaluation, including fault management and multi-warehouse management. The software creates plant transparency, provides an overview of spare parts availability and offers administrative relief with high data security and central information provision. Numerous functions and additional modules such as document management and interfaces to SAP, GIS, control center, etc. are available.
Software for the organization of seminars & events
Planning, organizing, promoting and evaluating your seminars, events and training courses takes up a lot of time? Time that you would rather use for your customers or employees? Then take this time off your hands. By using the professional software simplyOrg, the workflows involved in organizing your events are automated, making your job much easier. The result: less administration, secure planning, an overview at all times and more time for the essentials.
SOG ein Spezialist für den Großhandel, Import und Export. Wir bieten Ihnen ein ganzheitliches Software- und Beratungskonzept für Ihre Branche. Erhöhen Sie mit der Lösung SOG ERP, Lagerverwaltungssystem (WMS) und E-Shop Ihre Effizienz vom Ein- und Verkauf bis zum Informationsmanagement.
Auch E-Commerce-Lösungen für B2B und ein online-basiertes Lagerverwaltungssystem (Scanner) bieten wir aus eigenem Hause an. Vertrauen Sie auf mehr als 30 Jahre Erfahrung im Groß- und Außenhandel sowie umfassendes Know-how.
Individual and powerful - COBUS ERP/3 - a modern ERP system
COBUS ERP/3 - the ERP system for SMEs ERP software for SMEs has to meet numerous requirements today. The system should cover all areas of the company, support all core processes and be intuitive to use.
Software for maintenance, servicing & facility management
The TOM maintenance software is a comprehensive solution that has been specially developed for companies that own objects of all kinds that require maintenance or that look after them on behalf of customers. This includes any technical objects from production and building technology or mobile devices.
In addition to the flexible application options, the comprehensive functionality and the clear structure, which ensures simple and fast operation, are outstanding.
The auditable, complete and modular Quality, Compliance and Riskmanagement application
Knowledge sets the base for efficient business processes, quality and therefore profitability! For an efficient collaboration with targeted and tailored distribution of information apply the suite of C.O.S. We are your experienced and reliable partner for a holistic, auditable and norm-compliant quality management system and all related modules.
MICROSOFT DYNAMICS 365 - the next generation of CRM and ERP applications
Microsoft Dynamics 365 is an innovative approach to intelligent business software and links your business processes with your Office applications. With integrated business intelligence tools, the software allows you to adapt and evolve in the market. Dynamics 365 enables your business to produce efficiently, provide exceptional customer service and succeed in the marketplace.
Die webbasierte twoeyes enterprise Warenwirtschaft eröffnet Ihnen eine Vielzahl an neuer Chancen und Möglichkeiten. Managen Sie sämtliche Waren und Artikel auf Basis präziser Stammdaten und mit einem äußerst professionellen Auftrags-, Lager- und Versandwesen. Optimieren Sie Ihre Produktion nach Kanban und/oder individuellen QM-Vorgaben. Definieren Sie Ihre Preise, Preisgruppen und Staffelpreise, planen Sie Sonderverkaufsaktionen und verknüpfen Sie die Wawi mit Ihrem Online-Shop.
Planning and rental software for the event industry
Rentman is a cloud-based planning and rental software for companies in the event industry to manage materials and schedule staff and transportation. With Rentman, you can manage projects and gain insight into all relevant information with just a few clicks. The Rentman software links the planning of material, personnel and transport into one clear project. Thus, one can quickly see the costs of a project and create quotes and invoices based on them.
Contracts with the associated data, facts and files are part of a company's daily administrative work. However, this task area is typically very complex and labor-intensive. With EASY Contract, however, you have a web-based and modern system at hand with which you can centrally manage and process contracts without losing or overlooking important information. Thanks to the software's multi-client capability, you can create a workspace for the respective processors in your company with a standardized and quickly retrievable information status that can be called up on a daily basis ...
The completely dispenses with individual programming and enables large investors, asset and property managers to manage their global real estate investments economically, but can also be used flexibly, quickly and scalably by small and medium-sized companies. The software calculates forecast values, supports investment and divestment decisions, is used for value-oriented management and provides controlling and management reports at the touch of a button.
Locaboo is a web-based software that has developed a simple solution to manage premises in companies, public authorities, churches, sports and leisure facilities with ease. For this purpose, individual widgets are integrated on the website. The widgets are adapted to the design of the website. Depending on your wishes, bookings can be made online via any end device, both from the employees' side and from the customers' side. This allows the bookings to be managed both internally and externally.
Solution for implementing the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)
Solution for implementing the Supply Chain Act (LkSG) with BAFA application system, documentation, risk analyses, publications and automated workflows.
Digital employees for authorities and administrations
You work in government or public administration and are looking for support? Your new employee supports you in case processing and digitizes forms. In the process, administrative regulations can be easily integrated, processes optimized and OAA services implemented.
The solution for service companies, in-house service providers and site services
MR.KNOW - SERVICEPORTAL The service portal for service services. Overview: End-to-end self-service portals, Customized workflows with BPMN 2.0 models, Service tree and service catalog, Easy maintenance of services, Digital wizards for processing, Automated service processes, Form replacements, Task lists and personal area, Individual interfaces per service or department, Reports, dashboards and process paths, Service portal with BPM software, Can be combined with other process templates MR.KNOW - BPM is a modular system ...
Process solutions and digital employees for municipal utilities, energy suppliers and reta
With the ENERGY ASSISTANT (MR.KNOW), you can map all processes in your energy supply company. The solution is highly scalable. It allows processes to be executed without programming. Functionalities for defining decision rules, escalations and responsibilities are available. Integration is facilitated by numerous interfaces and connection options.
Digitalization of existing emergency management including automation of manual activities, digital assistants, digital guidelines and checklists as well as expansion of existing systems, e.g. GRC and XDR...
The flexible, platform-independent and modern ERP solution for SMEs.
The jKarat ERP solution is a platform-independent, modular and flexible business software for medium-sized manufacturing, service and industrial companies. The advantages and functions of jKARAT include industry neutrality, master data management, PPS, human resources, sales management, logistics, CRM, QA, costing, finance and accounting with controlling, design and parts list management.