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Personnel management
show 41 to 60 (of 66 software programs)
ERP software for retailers and service providers
ERP software for retailers and service providers The ERP software v.Soft with its editions for retail and services supports companies from the retail, wholesale and mail order sectors as well as service companies with service or project business, such as plant manufacturers, IT service providers, engineers and agencies. The focus is on integrated and automated processes as well as comprehensive, cross-company evaluations.
MLM Software for Network Marketing and Direct Sales
MLM Software for Network Marketing and Direct Sales With onPartner you don't need any other software for your business, because it is the only working level for all users equally. Your company, your sales partners and, if you wish, even your service providers can work within the software by means of appropriate user authorizations. This creates a uniform way of working and better communication. onPartner can completely map all processes relevant to your business and is, above all, 100% fully customizable to your needs!...
SOG ERP, WMS und E-Shop
SOG ERP, WMS und E-Shop
SOG ERP, WMS und E-Shop SOG ein Spezialist für den Großhandel, Import und Export. Wir bieten Ihnen ein ganzheitliches Software- und Beratungskonzept für Ihre Branche. Erhöhen Sie mit der Lösung SOG ERP, Lagerverwaltungssystem (WMS) und E-Shop Ihre Effizienz vom Ein- und Verkauf bis zum Informationsmanagement. Auch E-Commerce-Lösungen für B2B und ein online-basiertes Lagerverwaltungssystem (Scanner) bieten wir aus eigenem Hause an. Vertrauen Sie auf mehr als 30 Jahre Erfahrung im Groß- und Außenhandel sowie umfassendes Know-how.
Individual and powerful - COBUS ERP/3 - a modern ERP system
Individual and powerful - COBUS ERP/3 - a modern ERP system COBUS ERP/3 - the ERP system for SMEs ERP software for SMEs has to meet numerous requirements today. The system should cover all areas of the company, support all core processes and be intuitive to use.
Web-based service and vacation management with time recording
Web-based service and vacation management with time recording TIMEOS is a modern, flexible program that allows you to quickly and easily adapt your entire personnel planning to your needs. Map your company structure hierarchically and assign authorizations and responsibilities at department level. Create individual duty rosters with a click, taking into account legal requirements. Duty sequences can be stored automatically. Create entries such as vacations, projects, business trips and training courses to avoid staff shortages.
EasyTec Software GmbH offers business solutions and IT services at the highest level,
EasyTec Software GmbH offers business solutions and IT services at the highest level, What is EasyTec? EasyTec Software GmbH, based in Koblenz, develops its own business solutions at the highest level and primarily serves medium-sized companies. The focus is on the individual needs of its customers. With the EasyTec solution for the ancillary building trade, it offers customized software for tradespeople. Thanks to the many years of experience gained from implementing numerous projects in the ancillary building trades, your business processes can be optimized and mapped in detail in EasyTec, taking your ideas into account ...
Systems for time recording, personnel management & access control
Systems for time recording, personnel management & access control What is NovaTime? NovaTime is the innovative and extremely flexible software for personnel time recording. For over 25 years, NovaTime has been used by thousands of people in the European market. The user-friendly solution has a modular structure. It allows perfect customization via these modules to the respective customer requirements. Benefit from a fast ROI. NovaTime is installed and configured in a short time. The user-friendly software solution can be used intuitively after a short briefing ...
Microsoft Dynamics 365
MICROSOFT DYNAMICS 365 - the next generation of CRM and ERP applications
MICROSOFT DYNAMICS 365 - the next generation of CRM and ERP applications Microsoft Dynamics 365 is an innovative approach to intelligent business software and links your business processes with your Office applications. With integrated business intelligence tools, the software allows you to adapt and evolve in the market. Dynamics 365 enables your business to produce efficiently, provide exceptional customer service and succeed in the marketplace.
ERP twyz.enterprise
WaWi, CRM, HR und Projekte - 100 % webbasiert.
WaWi, CRM, HR und Projekte - 100 % webbasiert. Die webbasierte twoeyes enterprise Warenwirtschaft eröffnet Ihnen eine Vielzahl an neuer Chancen und Möglichkeiten. Managen Sie sämtliche Waren und Artikel auf Basis präziser Stammdaten und mit einem äußerst professionellen Auftrags-, Lager- und Versandwesen. Optimieren Sie Ihre Produktion nach Kanban und/oder individuellen QM-Vorgaben. Definieren Sie Ihre Preise, Preisgruppen und Staffelpreise, planen Sie Sonderverkaufsaktionen und verknüpfen Sie die Wawi mit Ihrem Online-Shop.
Planning and rental software for the event industry
Planning and rental software for the event industry Rentman is a cloud-based planning and rental software for companies in the event industry to manage materials and schedule staff and transportation. With Rentman, you can manage projects and gain insight into all relevant information with just a few clicks. The Rentman software links the planning of material, personnel and transport into one clear project. Thus, one can quickly see the costs of a project and create quotes and invoices based on them.
The solution for service companies, in-house service providers and site services
The solution for service companies, in-house service providers and site services MR.KNOW - SERVICEPORTAL The service portal for service services. Overview: End-to-end self-service portals, Customized workflows with BPMN 2.0 models, Service tree and service catalog, Easy maintenance of services, Digital wizards for processing, Automated service processes, Form replacements, Task lists and personal area, Individual interfaces per service or department, Reports, dashboards and process paths, Service portal with BPM software, Can be combined with other process templates MR.KNOW - BPM is a modular system ...
The flexible, platform-independent and modern ERP solution for SMEs.
The jKarat ERP solution is a platform-independent, modular and flexible business software for medium-sized manufacturing, service and industrial companies. The advantages and functions of jKARAT include industry neutrality, master data management, PPS, human resources, sales management, logistics, CRM, QA, costing, finance and accounting with controlling, design and parts list management.
Personnel management. Simple. Online.
Personnel management. Simple. Online. Manage recruiting, HR administration and payroll easily with HeavenHR. From hiring new employees to time recording and shift planning, you have all essential functionalities together on one platform. You can also map the entire recruitment process from posting to hiring.
Customized business applications with flexible modules
Customized business applications with flexible modules GEBRA-IT refines the software modules of GEBRA-Suite to create industry-specific solutions. This involves configuration rather than programming. Universally valid building blocks can be combined as desired and thus perfectly map all business processes. No more bloated systems, but lean and efficient mapping of processes. The individual building blocks are put together to form the application. Automatic management of data structures is possible. The software solution is highly scalable and platform-independent.
Time tracking software that is fun to use
Time tracking software that is fun to use timr is the online time recording solution for all industries and especially suitable for SMEs. Employees record attendance and absence, sick leave or time off. The hours and vacation account is managed automatically. Project times can be recorded with the stopwatch function and already accounted for at the end of the day. In the central time recording account you have all employees under one roof.
Odoo Enterprise
ERP software with a sense of proportion
ERP software with a sense of proportion The modular, scalable ERP software Odoo can be perfectly adapted to your exact operational requirements. We offer an ERP and the associated digitisation of your company from a single source, so that your digitisation process runs smoothly and error-free. Instead of individual software modules for sub-areas of your company, you get a system from a single source as required.
A production planning system that is used to complement existing ERP systems.
FELIOS is an innovative and particularly efficient advanced planning and scheduling system (APS) that can be used to complement existing ERP systems. Intelligent optimization using FELIOS supports cross-departmental synchronization of all deadlines with market requirements, thus ensuring high adherence to deadlines as well as transparency.
Office space management for your company
Office space management for your company With the office and desk-sharing solution from OfficeEfficient, the transformation to digital office management is a success. Thanks to the modular structure of our software, we tailor our application to your needs. This makes it easy for your employees to balance work from home without much effort. In addition to the classic booking of both desks and conference rooms, we offer many other unique features. Contact us and let us advise you!...
Customized industry solution for engineering & planning office
Customized industry solution for engineering & planning office ingo365 is your tailor-made industry solution for engineering & planning offices. ingo365 ensures with numerous practice-proven features time for the essential - your projects! The software supports you in all commercial and administrative processes.
Desk Sharing Software for Flexible Workstations, Meeting Rooms & Parking Spaces
Flexopus is a booking system for flexible workplaces, meeting rooms, and parking spaces. Users determine via mobile or desktop app where they sit, hold meetings, or park their car. With Flexopus, agile working becomes part of everyday life.
show 41 to 60 (of 66 software programs)