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show 21 to 29 (of 29 software programs)
SOG ERP, WMS und E-Shop
SOG ERP, WMS und E-Shop
SOG ERP, WMS und E-Shop SOG ein Spezialist für den Großhandel, Import und Export. Wir bieten Ihnen ein ganzheitliches Software- und Beratungskonzept für Ihre Branche. Erhöhen Sie mit der Lösung SOG ERP, Lagerverwaltungssystem (WMS) und E-Shop Ihre Effizienz vom Ein- und Verkauf bis zum Informationsmanagement. Auch E-Commerce-Lösungen für B2B und ein online-basiertes Lagerverwaltungssystem (Scanner) bieten wir aus eigenem Hause an. Vertrauen Sie auf mehr als 30 Jahre Erfahrung im Groß- und Außenhandel sowie umfassendes Know-how.
The solution for quality and supplier management.
The solution for quality and supplier management. A tried and tested tool for many years, inforum offers a modern web solution for quality and supplier management - especially for collaboration with internal and external partners. In recent years, inforum developer JAWA has made a name for itself as a competent partner to the manufacturing industry. Companies from sectors such as automotive supply, plant engineering, mechanical engineering and electronics rely on the innovative solutions of the software specialist, which stands out from its competitors primarily due to its unusually high level of flexibility.
ERP twyz.enterprise
WaWi, CRM, HR und Projekte - 100 % webbasiert.
WaWi, CRM, HR und Projekte - 100 % webbasiert. Die webbasierte twoeyes enterprise Warenwirtschaft eröffnet Ihnen eine Vielzahl an neuer Chancen und Möglichkeiten. Managen Sie sämtliche Waren und Artikel auf Basis präziser Stammdaten und mit einem äußerst professionellen Auftrags-, Lager- und Versandwesen. Optimieren Sie Ihre Produktion nach Kanban und/oder individuellen QM-Vorgaben. Definieren Sie Ihre Preise, Preisgruppen und Staffelpreise, planen Sie Sonderverkaufsaktionen und verknüpfen Sie die Wawi mit Ihrem Online-Shop.
Planning and rental software for the event industry
Planning and rental software for the event industry Rentman is a cloud-based planning and rental software for companies in the event industry to manage materials and schedule staff and transportation. With Rentman, you can manage projects and gain insight into all relevant information with just a few clicks. The Rentman software links the planning of material, personnel and transport into one clear project. Thus, one can quickly see the costs of a project and create quotes and invoices based on them.
Warenwirtschaft für Kleinunternehmer und Selbstständige
Warenwirtschaft für Kleinunternehmer und Selbstständige vcEuroFaktura includes all the functionalities that self-employed entrepreneurs, freelancers or craftsmen expect from an order processing software and that with a high level of usability. For more than 15 years, the software has been specially optimised for the requirements of invoicing from Germany. The structure of the software is divided into logical processes and is clearly structured.
Customized business applications with flexible modules
Customized business applications with flexible modules GEBRA-IT refines the software modules of GEBRA-Suite to create industry-specific solutions. This involves configuration rather than programming. Universally valid building blocks can be combined as desired and thus perfectly map all business processes. No more bloated systems, but lean and efficient mapping of processes. The individual building blocks are put together to form the application. Automatic management of data structures is possible. The software solution is highly scalable and platform-independent.
ERP / Enterprice Ressource Planning System / Merchandise management system
ERP / Enterprice Ressource Planning System / Merchandise management system ProMode GmbH is a medium-sized company. For 30 years, ProMode GmbH has been developing the innovative, powerful and extensive industry software ProMode. The ERP / merchandise management system ProMode is completely developed by ProMode GmbH and is constantly being further developed and adapted to the individual wishes of our customers. The company founders, shareholders and managing directors, Herbert Bayer, Dipl.-Ing. Informatik and Peter Rabenbauer, clothing technician, combine over 60 years of experience in the design and implementation of ERP solutions for fashion ...
Warehouse Solutions (warehouse management system, BetterStore, BetterPick)
Goods storage, stock transfer, order picking and distribution control
Goods storage, stock transfer, order picking and distribution control Support for all relevant tasks of professional warehouse management, in particular goods storage, stock transfer, inventory management, picking and distribution control on the basis of machine-readable article and storage bin labels. The following modules are available: BetterStore, BetterPick, BetterTrack, BetterTrace, BetterID, BetterPrint, BetterPack, BetterConnect, BetterBase, BetterMonitor.
Modular business software
Modular business software Odoo is THE all-in-one, modular business platform. The only platform you will ever need to run your business successfully. Odoo maps all business requirements in a single, cost-effective solution.
show 21 to 29 (of 29 software programs)