Create transparency in your IT - for more efficiency and cost optimisation.
What is IT Financial Management? Digital business models, new challenges: A development that particularly affects the IT organisation of companies. Until recently, IT was a service provider on call, but in the future it will play an active role in shaping business. The age of the IT manufacture is ending - that of the IT service provider with economic responsibility is beginning. This means that the role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) is changing. Until now, the CIO was primarily a technology manager ...
The most powerful platform for end-to-end data management
Die One-Stop-, Full Stack Datenlösung-Plattform aus einer Hand!
IRI Voracity ist das, worauf Sie gewartet haben.... eine einzige, intuitive und preisgünstige Plattform, die auf Eclipse™ basiert für:
• Data Discovery (Profiling, Klassifizierung, ERDs, Dark Data)
• Datenintegration (ETL, CDC, SCD, TDM)
• Datenmigration (Dateien, DBs, Datentypen, Datensatzlayouts)
• Data Governance (Maskieren, Bereinigen, MDM, EMM)
• Analytics (integrierte BI & Datenaufbereitung)...