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Invoice processing
show 21 to 27 (of 27 software programs)
Automated invoice management
Automated invoice management CANDIS ist eine einfache Software für Rechnungsmanagement - schnell von überall einsetzbar und für alle Mitarbeiter ohne Schulung zu nutzen. Importieren Sie Rechnungen per E-Mail oder laden Sie diese mit nur wenigen Klicks hoch. Individuelle Workflows vereinfachen hierbei sogar komplexe, mehrstufige Freigabeprozesse. Sorgen über verpasste Zahlungen oder Mahngebühren gehören endlich der Vergangenheit an.
Online software for digital process management and data administration
Online software for digital process management and data administration PROGRANTA is a web-based solution for application, evaluation and specialist procedures as well as for data and document management. The software has been tried and tested in practice and reflects current data protection requirements. PROGRANTA has a modular architecture and can be adapted precisely to the needs and requirements of the client. After implementation, the software can be easily adapted to changing requirements at any time during operation.
The intelligent solution for digitizing documents
The intelligent solution for digitizing documents With DOC², you can digitize your documents (PDF, Word, images, paper, etc...) and use the data and information they contain for your further processes. Whether invoices, contracts, forms or prescriptions - all types of documents are recognized and processed using AI technology, including handwritten information.
aktefix® digital
File, document and workflow management for SMEs
File, document and workflow management for SMEs Aktefix® digital file, document and workflow management With aktefix® digital you complete the digitalization and organization of your office operations. The industry-neutral software solution aktefix® digital serves as a digital link between Outlook® / MS Office products and virtually all industry solutions with ERP, CRM or accounting systems. Flexibility and adaptability are particularly important for small and medium-sized companies. This applies to the business activities as well as to the software used in the company ...
E-Invoicing 2025
Simple creation and sending of e-invoices
Simple creation and sending of e-invoices With E-Invoicing 2025, you can meet the legal requirements for e-invoicing from January 1, 2025 easily and in compliance with the law. The software makes it possible to create, send and receive e-invoices quickly and intuitively - completely without the cloud and with local data storage. Optional modules for GoBD-compliant archiving and a business cockpit are available. Try it now for free and make your invoicing processes more efficient!...
A new era of content understanding
A new era of content understanding The AI-powered platform Doxis Intelligent Content Automation is the next level of enterprise content management: It bridges and automates content across your ecosystem to create a 360° view of business.
Transport management system for carriers and forwarders
Transport management system for carriers and forwarders fireTMS is an innovative and comprehensive software for managing a transport company. The fireTMS forwarding and transport software includes functions for accounting, order management, driver logbooks, integration options for the freight exchange, for planning effective transport routes, reporting and much more. fireTMS is always up to date with regard to legal regulations.
show 21 to 27 (of 27 software programs)