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show 21 to 40 (of 62 software programs)
ERP / PPS business software for small and medium-sized enterprises
ERP / PPS business software for small and medium-sized enterprises MiCLAS.X - a merchandise management system for trade, service and production SMEs. Thanks to a particularly clear and identical structure in all modules, the MiCLAS. software requires very little time for implementation in the company. In addition to an integrated variant system for services, articles, parts and price lists etc., the industry-neutral software includes a highly flexible trigger technology. Created triggers and variants remain executable even after updates.
Efficiency through digitalization of business processing
Efficiency through digitalization of business processing AVENTUM.EDI is a complete solution suite for EDI communication, which automotive manufacturers and large trading companies in particular are increasingly demanding from their suppliers. AVENTUM.EDI is equally suitable for suppliers who want to meet their customers' requirements cost-effectively and for companies who want to develop their own EDI strategy in order to handle their business processes more efficiently. The solution is functionally structured, easy to use and works fully automatically ...
Lucanus GISMO Inventory
System for managing fixed assets of all kinds
System for managing fixed assets of all kinds Areas of application in intra-logistics are paperless inventory and the tracking and media-supported management of fixed assets and other unique items of all kinds (libraries, tools, laboratory chemicals, document archives and much more). You receive a free demo version including the migration of your sample master data. There are no external training costs, as you will be introduced via a multimedia video library.
Gismo QicLABEL VDA dient zur Erstellung von Versandetiketten nach VDA, AIAG u.v.m.
Barcode printing Gismo QicLABEL according to recommendation VDA 4902, VDA 4994, AIAG US standard and many more, available as lite version or with integrated production logistics, layout designer. Operation via input in form masks or fully automatically in the background of merchandise management systems, single or serial printing, output on almost all commercially available Windows printers, optionally also for label printing from continuous rolls, multilingual, free demo versions ...
Omnichannel ERP system for the fashion business
Omnichannel ERP system for the fashion business IX FUSION PRO - The Omnichannel ERP System for the Fashion Industry IX FUSION PRO is the first omnichannel ERP system for fashion companies. The innovative ERP solution combines ERP, PLM and SCM processes. The ERP impresses with its wide range of functions, high user-friendliness and intelligent business logic. From mobile web shops to area and returns management systems to warehouse management, the software is equipped with all important features. Advantages global access to data, accelerated processes ...
Warehouse management without tradeoffs
W3/max is the cloud logistics suite that is especially tailored to the challenges of medium-sized businesses. The WMS w3/max includes a wide range of field-proven functionalities that help companies increase efficiency and significantly reduce costs at the same time. Industry-specific requirements in the warehouse structure and supply chain are supported by w3/max with the essential features required in each case for industry, wholesale and the service provider sector. With w3/max you opt for a complete package ...
Software package for managing and controlling various warehouse logistics systems
Software package for managing and controlling various warehouse logistics systems The SupCIS-L warehouse management software offers flexible, powerful and customizable modules for logistics companies of all sizes. SuPCIS-L8 was developed as a modular system specifically to support and control processes in warehouse logistics systems and maps all levels of automation. The WMS supports you in the processes of intralogistics.
Lucanus GISMO Warehouse Logistics
System for the management of consignment warehouses
The solution is a system for managing consigned stocks that are to be kept in optimum quantities for spontaneous, i.e. unplanned, withdrawals (spare parts stocks in maintenance, supermarket stocks, etc.). It is designed for use in intra-logistics. On request, you can receive a free demo version including migration of your sample master data. There are no external training costs, as you receive an introduction by means of a multimedia video library (supported by ZDF Mainz). Application on Windows platform ...
More efficiency in production and logistics
More efficiency in production and logistics WITNESS is the leading development software for the simulation of production and logistics processes. Visualize your dynamic processes in 2D and 3D. Recognize the current weak points in assembly, production or logistics. WITNESS Manufacturing can take into account an unlimited number of products and variants and map even the most complex material flows. Among other things, it is suitable for modeling chemical, mineralogical and ceramic process flows.
synko BarScan - scanner solution for recording, control, labelling
Capture of all goods activities with mobile scanners
Capture of all goods activities with mobile scanners Synko BarScan ist die Scannerlösung zur Erfassung, Kontrolle und Etikettierung Ihrer Warenbestände. Die Software ist vollständig in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Navision) integriert. Mit synko BarScan erfassen Ihre Mitarbeiter alle Warenbewegungen mit mobilen Scannern. Das betrifft die Tätigkeiten im Wareneingang, bei der Einlagerung und Umlagerung sowie Umpackvorgänge und Auspackvorgänge, die Kommissionierung, den Warenausgang und die Inventur.
The mobile scanner app for optimizing your warehouse management
The mobile scanner app for optimizing your warehouse management Are you still managing your inventory using Excel or paper lists? Do you experience irregularities in your production because your system is not updated in real time? Then skanna is the solution for you! With our skanna app, you can automate and optimize your inventory management with the use of mobile data collection. Start benefiting from the numerous advantages of our mobile scanner app today!...
Process optimization and cost reduction with modular MES software
Process optimization and cost reduction with modular MES software From production data acquisition to maintenance and detailed planning: with gfos.MES, we support customers on their way to Industry 4.0. The system collects and visualizes all relevant operating, machine and process data in real time. Information on the status of production equipment or orders can be called up transparently in the central system at any time, relieving employees of routine tasks.
MSO Maßnahmen-/Workflow-Management
MSO Maßnahmen-Manager – direkt einsetzbar – beliebig skalierbar – einfach konfigurierbar
MSO Maßnahmen-Manager – direkt einsetzbar – beliebig skalierbar – einfach konfigurierbar MSO Management-Software ist ein No-Code Framework zur Gestaltung von individuellen Lösungen zur Digitalisierung, Analyse, Auswertung und Steuerung von Strategien, Programmen, Projekten, Maßnahmen und Prozessen. Einfach, schnell, sicher, spezifisch, anwenderfreundlich :-)...
Software for dynamic, continuous and automated water monitoring
Software for dynamic, continuous and automated water monitoring ENMO®hydro stands for the latest developments in dynamic, continuous and automated water monitoring and thus makes an important contribution to the early detection of accidents or incidents and the assessment of potential hazards. ENMO®hydro goes far beyond what other competitors can offer in terms of mapping all workflows relevant to water monitoring as well as the options for data evaluation, export and visualisation.
C/3 Enterprise
A highly efficient merchandise management system
With C/3 Enterprise, Stüer Software & Consulting GmbH from Bochum offers a highly efficient concept for a merchandise management solution especially for the retail trade, which optimally supports retailers in their day-to-day business. The modular system is constantly being further developed by our company in close cooperation with users. The third generation of the software offers an open database architecture based on Microsoft SQL Server 2014 ...
CARGOBASE® - a complete solution for shippers, logisticians and forwarders
CARGOBASE® - a complete solution for shippers, logisticians and forwarders CARGOBASE® Transport Management Software is a perfect solution for relaxed monitoring of all logistics processes. With the help of the software, you can control transport and shipping processes safely and extremely efficiently. CARGOBASE® TMS offers you the basis with a single, central and comprehensive database a powerful system for all modern requirements available. During the development of the software, special attention was paid to the customization possibilities for the companies via configuration ...
All-in-One TMS and WMS solution in the areas of land, air and sea
All-in-One TMS and WMS solution in the areas of land, air and sea Die Software ist eine multimodale Komplettlösung und kann durch seine offene Architektur und Flexibilität jede Anforderung meistern. Unsere einzigartigen Optimierungsmöglichkeiten und Automatismen ermöglichen Ihnen einen Vorsprung gegenüber dem Markt!...
Flexible warehouse management as a complete solution for all industries
Flexible warehouse management as a complete solution for all industries SPEEDLOGIX already has a large number of process images integrated as standard and can be quickly configured to customer-specific requirements thanks to its modular design. Thanks to its modular and standardized structure, speedLOGIX is ready for use very quickly. Short implementation times - fast amortization! A lean software structure, modern hardware and a sophisticated database make SPEEDLOGIX extremely fast.
MLM Software for Network Marketing and Direct Sales
MLM Software for Network Marketing and Direct Sales With onPartner you don't need any other software for your business, because it is the only working level for all users equally. Your company, your sales partners and, if you wish, even your service providers can work within the software by means of appropriate user authorizations. This creates a uniform way of working and better communication. onPartner can completely map all processes relevant to your business and is, above all, 100% fully customizable to your needs!...
SOG ERP, WMS und E-Shop
SOG ERP, WMS und E-Shop
SOG ERP, WMS und E-Shop SOG ein Spezialist für den Großhandel, Import und Export. Wir bieten Ihnen ein ganzheitliches Software- und Beratungskonzept für Ihre Branche. Erhöhen Sie mit der Lösung SOG ERP, Lagerverwaltungssystem (WMS) und E-Shop Ihre Effizienz vom Ein- und Verkauf bis zum Informationsmanagement. Auch E-Commerce-Lösungen für B2B und ein online-basiertes Lagerverwaltungssystem (Scanner) bieten wir aus eigenem Hause an. Vertrauen Sie auf mehr als 30 Jahre Erfahrung im Groß- und Außenhandel sowie umfassendes Know-how.
show 21 to 40 (of 62 software programs)