EAI is the abbreviation for Enterprise Application Integration. EAI systems enable the IT department to fully integrate all business functions, even if they are distributed across different application programs and platforms.
Middleware is an infrastructure component that can coordinate different systems as a service. As a software layer, it provides communication services for distributed applications via standard interfaces and thus enables integration of the applications and their data. In this way, middleware components help to sustainably reduce development costs and optimize the effort required for network administration, as well as simplifying different data accesses. Most middleware products already use standardized services as interfaces to the network. Colloquially, middleware can also be called interface software. Furthermore, data reconciliation between different applications or EDI message exchange is enabled.
Digitization is always related to the exchange of data between individual software components. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) enable one software or application to provide services for another software, platform or application. APIs must be developed, tested and managed. You will also find suitable tools for this in this section.