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Materials Management Software

Materials management includes all processes in a company that deal with the supply of materials to the company and the control of the flow of materials through production to the delivery of products. Materials management is often referred to along with purchasing and logistics. One of the most important tasks of materials management is to provide the material in the required quantity and quality and to the. However, materials management includes not only the purchase of materials, but also the storage and disposal of the material.

Here you will find a current market overview of programs and solutions on the topic of materials management. The software listed here is used to coordinate the flow of goods between suppliers, customers, production and warehouse(s). As a rule, the materials management systems includes modules for ordering, inventory and warehousing and supports procurement and inventory controlling.

Are you looking for a suitable materials management system?
show 1 to 5 (of 5 software programs)
Communication & evaluation of environmental and social sustainability targets
The DataCross material compliance software enables you to map and evaluate material requirements resulting from environmental and occupational health and safety regulations within the company: from development, procurement and production to the use and recycling of your products. Request article declarations from your suppliers and evaluate your suppliers and their articles with regard to material compliance. Record, qualify and quantify your material risk.
e!Sankey - Display material flow diagrams, goods movements or value streams
Sankey diagrams (Sankey Diagrams) are used, for example, to visualize energy flows and material flows. Sankey diagrams have directional arrows, they show flows from one node (source, warehouse, process, machine) to another node. Ideal for mapping flows in production systems or along the value chain. With its numerous features and options for plotting and scaling, e!Sankey makes creating Sankey flowcharts extremely convenient.
SCM - Transportation Planning & Scheduling
Software zur Planung und Optimierung der Transportlogistik produzierender Unternehmen
Software zur Planung und Optimierung der Transportlogistik produzierender Unternehmen SCM - Transportation Planning & Scheduling supports dispatchers and planners to design and optimize transportation scenarios. The software enables integrated planning of transportation networks, tours and frequencies based on dynamic transportation requirements. It thus helps to optimize materials management.
Supply chain management software
Supply chain management software Meaningful information for purchasing, materials management, quality, production, distribution, logistics, sales and human resources provides the basis for business decisions. SC-Manager maps the entire supplier process for your company. An important part of SC-Manager is the warning function that is activated when there are deviations from the specified dates, quantities, qualities, etc. This way, you have a better grip on your materials management! Action management also supports you in your supplier management.
Insight into material availability and deficiencies at any time
Insight into material availability and deficiencies at any time Good material management is the basis of every rental operation. With Rentman's material management tool, you get an up-to-date and detailed overview of all available materials as early as the planning stage. Check availabilities and solve material shortages. In the general material module you manage the inventory, compile sets and edit parameters such as rental price, weight and rental price. Rentman manages repairs, maintenance and necessary inspections.
show 1 to 5 (of 5 software programs)

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