Current market overview of industry software, ERP systems and solutions for the mail order business. The ERP software or the industry software for the mail order business usually includes a customer management, an item management, order entry and processing and a warehouse management. An ERP for mail order has various tools for price maintenance and provides extensive interfaces for article imports in different formats.
The mail order software usually supports, among other things, the determination of the routing code for the freight mail cooperation (DHL, UPS, etc.), allows collective picking and the sending of shipment notifications by e-mail. Frequently, the solutions for the mail order business also offer a store connection including the processing and preparation of articles for the store, data export and enable the import of store orders including plausibility checks. The software for the mail order business enables customer allocation or new creation as well as the maintenance of the customer base and the processing of catalog requests. In some cases, ERP systems provide cross-selling functions, for example.