Software > Human Resources > Corporate Health & Social Management

Corporate Health Management Software and Social Management Software

Occupational health and social management includes, among other things, the healthy design of work tasks, the prevention of occupational accidents, occupational diseases, work-related health hazards and occupational safety. An inventory of all existing measures and processes in the company is essential for company health and social management. These include, for example, working time models, HR measures, occupational health and safety, and company integration management. Other topics from healthcare and medicine include health courses, support for family caregivers, company kindergarten, etc..

The software presented here offers, among other things, solutions for occupational safety and health protection. For the focus on human resources, you will find programs for instruction and training as well as employee surveys. In addition, the health management software for companies provides support for the organization and documentation of legally required occupational health examinations and other compliance aspects.

Are you looking for a suitable software for corporate health management and social management?
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Matilda cloudMenu
Menu planning with pre-calculation, menu printing, LMIV declaration, allergens, additives
Menu planning with pre-calculation, menu printing, LMIV declaration, allergens, additives The cloudMenu software includes all the essential functions for mapping the administrative and controlling tasks in a commercial kitchen. Recipe planning and creation, menu planning and production planning, customer and warehouse management as well as payment management are among the features of cloudMenu.
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