Software > Programming > Frameworks


In this SoftGuide section you will find software, systems and solutions for frameworks. Frameworks are used in object-oriented development. They are not finished stand-alone programs, but form the framework for application programming. They can be used among other things also for automated tests of embedded software. There are different Framework types: Application Frameworks, Domain Frameworks, Class Frameworks, Component Frameworks, Coordination Frameworks, Tests Frameworks (for testing programs) and Web Frameworks (for dynamic creation of websites).



Frameworks differ from toolkits by their coherent structure. Frameworks can be suitable for different platforms. They consist of individual classes, which in a sense represent a pattern on the basis of which a program is written. The advantages of frameworks are obvious, they facilitate the programming work and save time. Because recurring tasks are already programmed in the framework and can be used as often as necessary and there are standardized interfaces to certain sources.

Are you looking for a suitable framework?
show 1 to 4 (of 4 software programs)
CaptainCasa Enterprise Client
Server-side web front-end development with Java for high-security applications.
CaptainCasa Enterprise Client is a web front-end platform for demanding business and industrial applications with long-term orientation. With CaptainCasa Enterprise Client you can develop highly interactive web applications without having to learn JavaScript or other browser technologies. Server-side Java is all you need. The browser side is a generic render engine based internally on HTML/JavaScript. It renders application dialog definitions sent from the server and collects corresponding user input for processing on the server side. The render engine comes with a large number of graphical controls and is extensible. The server side, where you place the interaction processing of your application, is pure and simple Java processing. It runs in any JEE servlet-based environment or dynamically.
Magic xpi
Solution for integration, enterprise process management and data synchronization
Solution for integration, enterprise process management and data synchronization Magic xpi integration platform increases the productivity, efficiency and continuity of your business. With the Visual Data Mapper, you can easily create your integration flows. This allows you to connect multiple endpoints and nodes with maximum agility and scalability and merge all data and devices to create new applications, experiences and offers in minutes.
Middleware framework for networked laboratories
Middleware framework for networked laboratories zenLAB® is a modular and scalable middleware framework for networked laboratories and connectivity solutions for devices. It maps the processes and requirements of modern laboratories and is equally suitable for laboratory operators and equipment manufacturers who want to achieve end-to-end digitization, networking and automation in the laboratory. zenLAB comprises a prefabricated software architecture that supports the flexible networking of devices, databases and higher IT systems.
Framework that integrates hardware and software tools for automated testing
Framework that integrates hardware and software tools for automated testing With the ContinoProva solution, you can ensure the quality of your software development through automated tests. The solution integrates any test tools (existing or new) into a flexibly configurable test environment and automates these tests. You can integrate external development and test tools via the server's open interfaces. Benefit from low initial costs and the flexible design and use of the solution in various test stages and test projects.
show 1 to 4 (of 4 software programs)

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