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Digital Signature Software, Electronic Signature

Current overview of solutions on the subject of digital signature. Digital signature is a form of electronic signature. The electronic signature comes in three different levels: simple, advanced and qualified electronic signature. The digital signature includes an encryption system with a secret key (private key) and a public key, which is provided with a signature key certificate of a certification authority or authority.

The procedure enables the authenticity of the data to be checked and the owner to be clearly assigned. As a rule, internationally established encryption standards such as OpenPGP and S/MIME are taken into account here. Digital signatures are used in many areas. Not only can confidential e-mails to customers be encrypted, but secure electronic signatures can also be created or e-mails can be provided with a digital signature. With a qualified electronic signature (QES), the signature is linked to a certificate, giving it the same status as a handwritten signature.

The digital signature software listed in this section enables, among other things, the automatic legally compliant and warning-proof creation of signatures for electronic documents (e.g. "invoice signature" for electronic invoices in the area of billing) and usually also takes into account the corporate identity guidelines of your company.

Are you looking for suitable software for electronic signatures?
show 1 to 5 (of 5 software programs)
The eSignature Business Platform
The eSignature Business Platform MOXIS is the secure e-signature platform for your business. MOXIS perfectly adapts to your enterprise signature workflows and accelerates your business with mobile remote signatures with the highest legal binding. Sign your documents with MOXIS via qualified electronic signature (QES), 100% eIDAS compliant and with the legal effect of a handwritten signature.
amxSIGN for Office 365
Sign directly and digitally in SharePoint
amxSIGN for Office 365 allows you to sign documents directly from your SharePoint application. You can use simple, advanced and qualified signatures. Signing is user-friendly and effective, taking into account the legal requirements of the EU and the integration of the federal printing office as a signature provider. Benefit from optimized processes and a significant acceleration of the signature cycle.
E-mail signatures in a uniform design and with the correct address data for HCL Notes
Manage e-mail signatures for HCL Notes uniformly and company-wide. Define the signature formats centrally in signature templates. The mail user data is provided by the domino directory. An automatic, server-based distribution of e-mail signatures takes place. Text, rich text and HTML signatures can be created and managed with the solution. Each template can be displayed and checked using a preview function.
USB token for security solution providers
USB token for security solution providers The CrypToken® USB for security solution providers and system administrators is perfect for secure authentication in eBusiness applications and as a smart card alternative. It is a secure storage device for your certificates and passwords. You can use it for encryption and signing with public key procedures, among other things.
Comprehensive security suite for computers, data, privacy and more
Comprehensive security suite for computers, data, privacy and more abylon ENTERPRISE offers innovative and professional security and encryption solutions for business use. The solution supports the public key system according to PKCS (RSA) and works in the HYBRID system completely on the basis of X.509 Internet certificates. Signed files can no longer be changed without the recipient finding out. The selection of the encryption and signature procedure, the encrypting for several receivers (Multicrypting) as well as among other things the manual or automatic examination of certificates for validity is supported.
show 1 to 5 (of 5 software programs)

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