Editorial systems are used to manage content, e.g. websites, with the essential feature that there is a clear separation between the actual content, the data structure and the layout, so that both content and layout can be edited without the other area also being affected. An important aspect of editorial systems and other publishing software is rights management for editors and workflow management.
In this SoftGuide section, you will find an overview of software and solutions on the topic of editorial systems. Listed here are, among others, XML editorial systems, which are usually very well suited for technical documentation due to the hierarchical structure specifications. Online content management systems are usually part of a content management system (CMS). However, special editorial systems for publishing houses and their editorial offices (e.g. for the creation of periodicals) are also represented. The software can usually support thematic and scheduling editorial planning and helps manage internal and external contributions, as well as logging the digital content used, keywording and usually also offers interfaces to different forms of publication (web, smartphones, tablets, newsletters, print, etc.).