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Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics Software

In this SoftGuide section you will find an overview of software and programs on the subject of chemistry, physics, mathematics. The mathematics programs are used, among other things, for strength calculations or calculations of failure rates of technical equipment, impact calculations for fires or include calculation programs for mechanical engineering. They usually include standard mathematical notations and formula editors. Math programs can also include virtual measuring devices, among other things.

The physics software supports e.g. medium or high voltage calculations, thermal bridge calculations, pressure surge calculations, simulations of electromagnetic fields and allows the use of a variety of modeling techniques and modeling languages. Among the chemistry software listed are solutions for maintaining chemical inventories, research systems for chemical substance data, and injection molding simulation software.

Are you looking for a suitable software for Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics?
show 1 to 12 (of 12 software programs)
Simcenter 3D for electromagentic simulation and e-Machine Design
Simcenter 3D for electromagentic simulation and e-Machine Design
Simcenter 3D for electromagentic simulation and e-Machine Design Simcenter 3D software for electromagnetics simulation and e-machine design enables coupled simulations of multiphysical effects to be carried out within one simulation environment. For example, electromagnetic, thermal and structural-mechanical interactions can be simulated and analysed.
SpriCAD + WinSprink: Hydraulic calculation of sprinkler systems
Design and hydraulic calculation of sprinkler systems
For planning offices of building services there are the WinSprink and SpriCAD for the calculation of sprinkler systems and water spray extinguishing systems. The basis is a calculation kernel, which can be used to hydraulically calculate not only tree-like but also all kinds of meshed piping systems. The user is supported in entering the data. The definition of the effective area is independent of the actual pipe network geometry and can be changed afterwards as desired.
Calculation and optimization for control, piping and process engineering
Calculation and optimization for control, piping and process engineering CONVAL is a universal calculation and optimization program for instrumentation and control, piping and process engineering. It supports the planning, design, layout and optimization of plants and components. CONVAL is a valuable tool for engineers, technicians and operating specialists.
Siemens Simcenter Amesim
Simcenter Amesim
Simcenter Amesim Simcenter Amesim is a leading integrated, scalable mechatronic system simulation platform. It allows design engineers to virtually assess and optimize system performance. To enable you to save time when creating models, Simcenter Amesim combines ready-to-use multiphysics libraries with the application - and industry-oriented solutions that are supported by powerful platform capabilities. This lets you rapidly create models and accurately perform analysis.
PCDAQ-Scope transforms a standard notebook into 3 virtual measuring devices
PCDAQ-Scope transforms a standard notebook into 3 virtual measuring devices The PCDAQ-Scope virtual metrology software is based on Agilent VEE Runtime. Using PCDAQ-SCope, you can transform a standard notebook into three virtual measuring devices. You get a line recorder/data logger, a storage oscilloscope and a signal analyzer. More than 500 math routines (e.g. (Rectangular, Blackman, Hann, Hamming, Harris, Triangular, Cosine, Lanczos, Gaussian - Vertical Scale: dBm RMS, dbV RMS, Linear RMS) can be linked together.
Software for calculating heat flows, thermal bridges, isotherms and Uf-values
Software WINISO® for calculating heat flows, thermal bridges, isotherms and Uf-values according to EN ISO 10077-2:2017. Imported CAD files can be analysed automatically and failures in the drawing are removed by the sofware. Therefore complex constructions and systems can be calculated within a short time. Due to the integrated FEM calculating engine, results are determined very precisely.
Heat transfer calculation not for heating and building construction
Heat transfer calculation not for heating and building construction The heat transfer program supports the calculation of the heat loss of a stove wall or thermal insulation. The solution calculates the heat transfer according to ASTM, EN ISO 12241, VDI 2055, on a vertical wall, on the ceiling, on the floor, in a cylinder, in a dome and fitting. The calculations can be saved and are easy to change. The program is designed for industrial furnaces or refrigeration technology, but is not suitable for heating and building construction.
AD, European standards DIN EN 13445-3
Strength calculations, technical calculations of tanks, nozzles, etc.
Strength calculation and optimization for vessels, heads, flanges, lids, nozzles, skirts, support brackets, shells, bolts, expansion joints, etc. Printout of the calculation with all formulas. All images can be called up. AD B1 to B13, S-series, DIN2505, BS 5500 Anh. G for external nozzle loads, European standards DIN EN 13445-3. Large material library with strength characteristics. Extensive help functions. Geometry input generates a DXF file for displaying the components with any CAD program. Output and dialog in German or English ...
QMSys Threads, Tools and Gauges
Software for calculation of threaded products, threading tools and plain gauges
QMSys is a comprehensive system for thread, tool and gauge planning. Among other things, the software is used for calculation. The calculated results are based on international, European and national standards. They contain information about the threaded part of the workpieces, cutting tools and gauges.
IDAT - Earth static calculation programmes
Programme package for earth static calculations
The IDAT software for earth static calculations is used in earthwork and foundation engineering and is used for the calculation of, for example, stability (slopes), calculation of nailed retaining structures, calculation of earth pressure and internal forces for excavation pit walls and much more. You can choose flexibly from two programme packages, with the respective programme components most relevant to you, such as WinSetz, WinGrubru, etc. or WinWand, WinBaugr, etc.
Short-circuit calculation, selectivity, overview plans, ring networks
Short-circuit calculation, selectivity, overview plans, ring networks Caneco HT enables the planning and testing of medium and high-voltage systems for three-phase networks of 1000 V and up to 245 kV in accordance with the applicable IEC 60909, NF C 13-200 and IEC 61363 (Marine) standards. Caneco HT calculates the three-phase, common-pole short-circuit currents and enables the protective devices to be set and the cable cross-sections to be determined.
Short-circuit calculation, selectivity, overview and distribution diagrams, documentation
Short-circuit calculation, selectivity, overview and distribution diagrams, documentation Caneco BT automatically determines the most economical solution in compliance with the applicable electronic standards and the recognized rules of electrical engineering. User-friendliness is at the forefront of Caneco BT. The processing method is very similar to the familiar Windows applications. Caneco BT automatically searches for the most suitable equipment in a database containing the catalogs of all market-relevant electrical manufacturers.
show 1 to 12 (of 12 software programs)

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