QM-Pilot is a web- and database-based software solution that allows management systems to be set up and actively controlled in a simple and contemporary manner. The demands for process and document control are of central importance in today's QM systems. In QM-Pilot, both aspects are taken into account in one software solution. With QM-Pilot you build a modern, dynamic and flexible management system. Processes and related documents are directly and electronically available to employees. The process and document management can be supplemented with the optional risk module, organization as well as audit management.
Powerful software solutions for quality and integrated management systems.
The ConSense IMS (for integrated management systems) with the ConSense QMS (for quality management systems) and ConSense PMS (for process management systems) sub-programs fully covers the range of modern CAQ solutions. The solution lowers the administrative effort and reduces time-consuming maintenance and routine activities. The software manages all required management systems and standards.
Publish your processes company-wide and link them to all documents
Make your modeled business processes with all stored documents, standard chapters, interfaces, IT systems as well as vulnerabilities and risks accessible to your employees. sycat IMS Portal supports the groundbreaking modeling of Prof. Dr. Binner and the BPMN. The processes are mapped in clearly arranged swimlanes in order to optimally represent the parties involved in the process and their relationships to each other.
Standard process model of TQM according to ISO 9001 in BPMN 2.0
The QM Process Library offers a process- and practice-oriented solution with which all the requirements of the ISO 9000 standard that are important for your company, with all their specifications, can be incorporated into your own process landscape. The included standard process model is based on the requirements of ISO 9001. Using the QM Process Library, this standard can be adapted exactly to your company and integrated into your internal company process model. Probably the biggest advantage is the simple way of implementation and the enormous time savings, especially in the initial phase of a QM project ...
Well-founded daily construction reports & construction controlling software
mydocma RP offers all the functionalities for professional construction documentation. Target-actual comparisons with existing schedules, evaluation options for disruptions in the construction process, and the recording of staff hours are a great benefit for the day-to-day work of general contractors.
The process designer according to BPMN (Business Process Process Model and Notation) allows for the customer-specific representation of the processes in just a few clicks.
A highlight for the everyday work of Improve-customers is the linking of process modelling modelling with all QM topics, because this the time required is significantly reduced.
Creation of electronic forms as well as use as output management
MR.KNOW - FORMS ASSISTANT supports the creation of electronic forms for the administration and automation of business and administrative processes as well as the use as an output management solution. Connect your forms with process logics and use CSS editors as well as case-sensitive procedures for individual interfaces taking into account the corporate design specifications. Use a wizard with preview options for linking interfaces and processes. The MR.KNOW - FORMS ASSISTANT offers simple administration through central maintenance forms.
The d.3ecm comprises an enterprise content management system combined with business process management functions, e.g. for modeling recurring processes as workflows. In addition to the modeling of the processes, the workflow mask creation or form creation can also be mapped, via which employees participate in the process, receive and enter information and control the process flow.
Die webbasierte prozessorientierte Unternehmensdokumentation mit der N5-Process Solution ist methodisch klar geführt und intuitiv anwendbar. Sie ist dokumentationssicher durch den automatisierten Lenkungsworkflow (Erstellung, Prüfung, Freigabe) sowie die Versionierung und Archivierung in der Datenbank. Das Programm ermöglicht die Definition der Prozessstrukturen von der obersten Hauptprozessebene top-down bis in eine beliebig wählbare Detaillierungstiefe ...
for your process documentation, measures, risk and audit management
WissIntra NG is a web-based quality, risk and knowledge management software. The software supports organizations in documenting, analysing and improving their processes. WissIntra NG enables organizations to effectively design and monitor their quality assurance and risk management systems.
Symbio is the first integrated management/BPM system that integrates all users with a web interface. This simplifies operation and reduces administrative operating costs to a minimum. The automatic layout of processes and hierarchies speeds up maintenance and allows full concentration on the company's content.