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Business Process Management (BPM) Software - Page 2

Are you looking for a suitable business process management software?
show 21 to 35 (of 35 software programs)
Creation of electronic forms as well as use as output management
Creation of electronic forms as well as use as output management MR.KNOW - FORMS ASSISTANT supports the creation of electronic forms for the administration and automation of business and administrative processes as well as the use as an output management solution. Connect your forms with process logics and use CSS editors as well as case-sensitive procedures for individual interfaces taking into account the corporate design specifications. Use a wizard with preview options for linking interfaces and processes. The MR.KNOW - FORMS ASSISTANT offers simple administration through central maintenance forms.
Supply Chain Due Diligence Act Solution (MR.KNOW)
Solution for implementing the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)
Solution for implementing the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) BPM - LKSG Solution...
Holistic Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
The d.3ecm comprises an enterprise content management system combined with business process management functions, e.g. for modeling recurring processes as workflows. In addition to the modeling of the processes, the workflow mask creation or form creation can also be mapped, via which employees participate in the process, receive and enter information and control the process flow.
N5-Solutions - Processes
Web-based solution for process management
Web-based solution for process management Die webbasierte prozessorientierte Unternehmensdokumentation mit der N5-Process Solution ist methodisch klar geführt und intuitiv anwendbar. Sie ist dokumentationssicher durch den automatisierten Lenkungsworkflow (Erstellung, Prüfung, Freigabe) sowie die Versionierung und Archivierung in der Datenbank. Das Programm ermöglicht die Definition der Prozessstrukturen von der obersten Hauptprozessebene top-down bis in eine beliebig wählbare Detaillierungstiefe ...
Process solutions and digital employees for municipal utilities, energy suppliers and reta
Process solutions and digital employees for municipal utilities, energy suppliers and reta Use MR.KNOW ENERGY PROCESSES for process mapping and BPMN 2.0 process modeling in your company (municipal utilities, energy suppliers, retailers and storage operators). Standardize and automate specialist processes! Increase process transparency and uncover weak points.
for your process documentation, measures, risk and audit management
for your process documentation, measures, risk and audit management WissIntra NG is a web-based quality, risk and knowledge management software. The software supports organizations in documenting, analysing and improving their processes. WissIntra NG enables organizations to effectively design and monitor their quality assurance and risk management systems.
The software for quality and process management in your company
The software for quality and process management in your company viflow based on Microsoft® Visio is a software for your quality and process management, with which you can model and display all business processes according to your wishes. All captured data is stored in a relational database and is available to you for analysis. This allows you to optimize your business processes and meet necessary certification requirements. The multilingual program interface, additional add-ons and connection options to most ERP, DMS and CAQ systems make viflow an adaptable tool for all industries and diverse areas of application.
eDMS | eQMS | eTMF| Solutions for quality and compliance processes
eDMS | eQMS | eTMF| Solutions for quality and compliance processes DHC VISION - eDMS | eQMS | IMS | Solutions for Quality and Compliance Processes is a platform that provides user-friendly tools and methods for modelling, communication, measurement and continuous improvement of the entire process landscape.
Process management, QM software and workflow software
Process management, QM software and workflow software Thanks to the SmartProcess software, the standardised modelling of your processes is enhanced with corresponding BPMN symbols. You carry out the process modelling directly on the user interface, where you can also clearly display all relevant information and transfer it to your organisational charts.
QSEC - GRC/ISMS, ISO 27001/BSI standard- IT protection, B3S and data protection
GRC, ISMS, risk management, IMS, IKS, and data protection - "All-in-one"!
GRC, ISMS, risk management, IMS, IKS, and data protection - All-in-one! QSEC is an integrated management system that provides the management with decisions based on transparency and facts and supplies the corporate risk management with important decision basics from the operative risk management. The implementation of. the Compliance, of Information Security Management according to the requirements of ISO 27001, BSI standard (IT-Grundschutz), B3S Risk Management anddata protection according to GDPR Data Protection according to GDPR In addition, a wide range of other requirements ...
Innovation Portfolio Management Software
Innovation Portfolio Management Software Q-impact supports you in optimizing your business process management. The software helps you to control and automate innovation processes and identify bottlenecks at an early stage. This allows you to increase efficiency and innovative strength in all business areas.
Workflow management and process management software
Workflow management and process management software PANFLOW Workflow Management is 100% browser-based and does not require any lengthy installation. In the graphical workflow designer, process sequences can be put together simply by dragging and dropping predefined elements. Defined rules automatically change the process flow as soon as corresponding inputs are registered. Sub-processes can be parallelized, run synchronously or asynchronously (i.e. dependent on time or independent of each other). If the reaction of a responsible person is required for the course of a process ...
rexx HR - Succession Planning
rexx succession planning - keep an eye on the eligible talents at all times
With strategic succession planning, you always have an overview of the talents in question and can efficiently fill key positions. With rexx succession planning, you can use an intuitive interface to identify key positions that need to be filled as quickly as possible. For this purpose, our software analyzes indications of increased exit risks such as the end of staffing due to resignation or retirement or miscasts.
Microsoft Dynamics 365
MICROSOFT DYNAMICS 365 - the next generation of CRM and ERP applications
MICROSOFT DYNAMICS 365 - the next generation of CRM and ERP applications Microsoft Dynamics 365 is an innovative approach to intelligent business software and links your business processes with your Office applications. With integrated business intelligence tools, the software allows you to adapt and evolve in the market. Dynamics 365 enables your business to produce efficiently, provide exceptional customer service and succeed in the marketplace.
Complete business process management
Complete business process management Symbio is the first integrated management/BPM system that integrates all users with a web interface. This simplifies operation and reduces administrative operating costs to a minimum. The automatic layout of processes and hierarchies speeds up maintenance and allows full concentration on the company's content.
show 21 to 35 (of 35 software programs)

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