Software > Controlling and Cost Accounting > KPI, Balanced Scorecard

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Software, Balanced Scorecard Software

The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is, a balanced reporting sheet and includes a key performance indicator concept. These business management indicators are used to determine, document and implement the corporate strategy or target management. Management information systems such as the Balanced Scorecard provide management and controlling with an overall view of the efficiency and performance of the company organization. In this current market overview, you can compare balanced scorecard software, other performance measurement systems and key performance indicators (KPI). The software supports management in translating corporate strategy into operational tasks and individual steps or measures. Visualize easily and efficiently the status of the implementation of their business goals with these balanced scorecard software solutions.

Are you looking for a suitable software for Balanced Scorecard or other key figures?
show 1 to 4 (of 4 software programs)
ProSeS - ODA Reporting
Graphical and tabular reports: machine status, downtime, scrap, quality...
Visualize key figures with ODA Reporting. The analysis module provides a complete overview of the operating data and thus provides the basis for optimization measures and quality improvements. Create OEE reports and use the tachograph to monitor changing machine conditions. With the help of the software, resources can be used efficiently and longer production downtimes can be avoided.
instantOLAP * ROLAP Frontend * java based reporting tool * ERP (SAP,Baan,XPPS)
The instantOLAP tool offers a fast and convenient way to analyze large volumes of structured and unstructured data. InstantOLAP reads the available data from the ERP etc. directly from the data sources during the query and displays it in the web browser.
CIO Cockpit
Create transparency in your IT - for more efficiency and cost optimisation.
Create transparency in your IT - for more efficiency and cost optimisation. What is IT Financial Management? Digital business models, new challenges: A development that particularly affects the IT organisation of companies. Until recently, IT was a service provider on call, but in the future it will play an active role in shaping business. The age of the IT manufacture is ending - that of the IT service provider with economic responsibility is beginning. This means that the role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) is changing. Until now, the CIO was primarily a technology manager ...
OEE Analyser
Productivity analysis and performance parameters of machines
Productivity analysis and performance parameters of machines Der OEE Analyser ermittelt automatisch und in Echtzeit diverse Leistungskennzahlen von Produktionsanlagen unterschiedlichster Art. Die Anbindung an die Anlagen ist sehr einfach. Die automatische Arbeitsweise liefert genaue Ergebnisse und erfordert keinen zusätzlichen Personalaufwand. Der OEE Analyser ist rasch installiert und betriebsbereit. Schon nach wenigen Stunden Vorbereitungsarbeit werden erste Ergebnisdaten sichtbar.
show 1 to 4 (of 4 software programs)

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