Elevator Pitch
for efficient and effective occupational safety with a free individual license
Project Software - ERP for Service Providers
Backlog-free scheduling/capacity planning: intuitive, what-if, bottleneck planning, etc.
Health protection, occupational safety, quality, environmental management
Your entry into process automation with digital helpers
Project-oriented business software in one package - ERP-CRM-HRM-PMS-DMS-ECM-BA-BPM-QM
Digitize your EHSQ and ESG management with Quentic.
Other requirements for soft- and hardware
System requirements apply to client systems. In the case of an on-site installation, higher system requirements apply for server systems, which we will be happy to provide you with on request.
- Server: physical or virtualized server PC with +2 Ghz CPU (multiple cores recommended), 8 GB RAM, operating system: MS WINDOWS Server 64bit, LINUX or on request.
- Clients: min. MS WIN XP SP3, 2Ghz CPU, 4GB RAM. Alternatively special Android clients.
- Database: Oracle 10/11 or MS SQL Server 2005/2008 64bit according to the database used.
- Network: min. 100 Mbit Ethernet
iManSys is a web application that can be used on your own intranet as well as on the Internet with any common browser. Microsoft standard technology is used on the server side.
Tomcat 5.5 or higher, JDK 1.6, database (Oracle, DB/2, MS SQLServer, MySQL, PostgreSQL), minimum processor Intel Pentium 4.2 GHz or AMD Atholon 64 3000+
Software runs on an Oracle SQL database
Prozessor: 2 GHz
Arbeitsspeicher: 1 GB RAM
Auflösung: 1024 x 768
Netzwerk + Internet: Anschluss vorhanden
Betriebssystem: MS Windows XP
Webbrowser: MS Internet Explorer 8
Microsoft Office: MS Office XP