The industry-neutral solutions for Human Resources, Finance & Accounting and System Engineering cover the following areas:
Payroll accounting (VEDA HR Remuneration)
Payroll accounting is a complicated process and often highly individualized. Delivering correct payroll accounting for employees on time every month is easy and convenient with VEDA HR Payroll Software. The modern user interface and customizability ensure quick understanding and low training requirements.
- IBM xSP Prime-certified
- DEÃœV-certified
- Dakota (secure data exchange via the Internet between employers and statutory health insurance funds)
- Support for all electronic reporting procedures
- ELSTER (electronic wage tax registration)
- Short-time working allowance
- Can be used in the public sector (BAT; supplementary pension fund)
- Certification system
- Integrated personnel cost planning
- Rate table management
- Payroll accounting for all company sizes
- Convenient provision of forms and salary information by e-mail, E-Post Business Box or via employee portals
Personnel management (VEDA HR Manager)
- Personnel administration
- Modern personnel controlling
- Qualification and attribute management
- Document management (digital personnel file)
- job planning
- Personnel cost planning
- applicant management
- Personnel development
- business intelligence
- Data Warehouse
Personnel time management (VEDA HR Time)
- Mapping of all collective agreements and numerous company agreements
- Personnel time recording
- Company data recording
- Working time recording
- Order time recording
- Machine time recording
- Duty roster management (personnel resource planning)
- Access control
- Canteen data recording
- Workflow management
- Employee Self Service
- Business Intelligence
Financial and asset accounting (VEDA FA Finance)
- Multi-client capability
- Branch capability
- Different financial year
- Period-specific evaluations
- Dunning system
- Electronic payment transactions
- Financial controlling
- Business Intelligence
- Depreciation and amortization
Cost accounting (VEDA FA Costs)
- Powerful controlling package
- Cost center and cost unit accounting
Document management (VEDA SE Document)
- Central archive, database and security management
Backup and tape management (VEDA SE Backup)
- Integrated back office solution
Enterprise back office management
- Company-wide communication and document management with centralized address, task and appointment management
An ASP/outsourcing solution that can be used for all IT structures is available for the Human Resources and Finance & Accounting departments.
The integrated solutions are clear, modern, user-friendly, well-structured, innovative, powerful and flexible.
Our software solutions are suitable for companies in all sectors.