Software > Human Resources > Time recording, working time recording > TimO project management, time tracking, capacity manag. and controling

TimO project management, time tracking, capacity manag. and controling

Project planning, project steering, project controlling, time management - 100% web based

Version:  06.00.00

Demo version

Time Management Office® is a network-, internet- und intranet based software for project planning, project controlling, project monitoring, resource management, capacity planning, expense planning, project expense management, process optimisation and time sheet.

Additionally Time Management Office can be used for order- and service related time and cost management.

Time Management Office can be parameterised to disable unnecessary functions. (As extensive as necessary!)

Many applications in this sector come with a variety of useful functions, but how many of MS-Word’s functions do you really use? 30 - 50 % - and that is the problem of oversized applications.

Current surveys prove, that 20% of all projects fail.
Tools like MS-Project are too oversized and your project teams are not able to record their actual data.

What is the effect?

Recording of working times is done using Excel sheets, calendars, or small tinkered programs. A consistent design is missing, all recorded data has to be computed and edited. Miscalculations happen daily.

If a customer wants to know the state of a project. All project related data has to be processed and evaluated.
(This is extensive and expensive)

What is the effect on your project:

  • The project manager is overloaded and does not react in time! 
  • Deadlines are exceeded! 
  • Employees/Customers become dissatisfied! 
  • The whole project is at risk!

What can Time Management Office accomplish?

  • Planning of projects, subprojects and tasks 
  • Individual, customer specific project structure 
  • Detailed report on employees capacities 
  • Declaration of time- and cost budgets for projects, subprojects and tasks 
  • Discovering plan/actual variations at an early stage 
  • Capacity management for the whole company or single projects 
  • Gantt-charts as well as status overviews
  • Automated project monitoring 
  • Forecasts for the different parts of a project
  • Extensive administration of roles and project rights 
  • Complete time recording for projects and tasks (read, write, expand, delete etc.) 
  • Calculation of labour costs, additional costs, profits, interest margins, and available budgets 
  • Periodic accounting of project costs 
  • Time recording for multiple tasks per day 
  • Travel cost recording for international travels 
  • Automated as well as company specific travel cost rates 
  • Subsequent rebooking/editing/deleting 
  • Accounting of a single task/order to different customers 
  • Recording of holidays, illness as well as flexible work time
  • Export of all reports using desired formats 
  • Evaluation of all relevant data in various combinations with one single click "Proficiency certificates"
  • Administration of internal and external projects and tasks 
  • Prioritisation of all tasks in a list 
  • Employees target/actual times (overtimes)

Using Time Management Office spares your employees to record their working times on Excel sheets, calendars or handbills and offers them a detailed overview of their hours worked.


  • Global use due to internet/intranet capabilities
  • No client installation necessary 
  • Minimisation of operating costs due to centralised administration 
  • Applicable for all industries and enterprise sizes because of unlimited flexibility 
  • Easy to learn
  • Extensive online help! 
  • Short incorporation time! 
  • Clearly arranged dialogs! 
  • Widely accepted because it is restricted to the essentials


Cloud (application service providing)
Time Management Office can be used on our servers. We provide installation, configuration, as well as updates and backups. You pay monthly fees depending on the number of employees that record their times. Project managers and administrators are free of charge. It can be used from any browser capable of javascript (e.g. Internet Explorer 5.5, Netscape 7.0, Mozilla 1.3 or higher) via internet. Additionally a free hotline for all users is included.


You can buy Time Management Office licenses and install the application on your server (Windows, Linux). If required our engineers offer support.

Plug & play - system
We offer a complete, preinstalled and preconfigured Time Management Office server for Windows and Linux by request. Your role: adjust the IP-address and plug to your network.

An example of a detailed evaluation:

Let us find out how Time Management Office can save time and money in your company. You will find further information at

Target groups:

As an industry-independent solution, TimO-Time Management Office can be used in all companies where the topics of project management, time recording, travel expenses, appointment calendar and document management play a role, such as industry, services, media, consulting, trade, IT and software development.

Licensing model:

Cloud solution
TimO - Time Management Office can be used on our web server as a cloud solution. Installation, configuration, updates and data backups are taken care of by us. You pay a monthly version-dependent license price per employee. An administrator access (SuperUser) is of course also available. The system is accessed via an internet browser. Free support via a 0800 number rounds off this solution.

Further individual modules and hardware: time recording terminal, group calendar, travel expense accounting, trouble ticket system, room and resource planning - more information at


  • Daimler Benz AG
  • Hypotheken Management GmbH
  • Partnerschaften Deutschland AG
  • Allianz Dresdner Bauspar AG
  • Degussa AG
  • Globus SBW Holding GmbH & Co. KG
  • Novasoft AG
  • Adecco Human Capital Solutions GmbH
  • HELIOS Kliniken GmbH
  • Nextevolution AG
  • Adept Consult AG
  • etc.
Contact information:
Mr. Jan-Henrik Dohmann
+49 (0) 6081 - 5860 - 14
Links & Downloads:
request URL
Success story
request URL

Functions (excerpt) of TimO project management, time tracking, capacity manag. and controling:

Absence management
Absenteeism statistics
access controls
Accounting of different time models
Agent rules
allocation of internal activities
Application management
Appointment printing
Automated messages
Availability display
Blocking of individual time models
Booking absenteeism
Break times
Budget control
Business trips and customer visits
Calendar and appointment management
Calendar functions
Campaign management
Capacity evaluations
Capacity planning
Change Requests
Contact management
Controlling functions
cost and activity accounting
Cost center allocation
Cost management
Cost overviews
Cost recording
Customer data
Customer history
Customer management
Customer portal
Data maintenance
Data queries
Dealer overview
Digital personnel file
Display of personnel attendance overviews
Duty rosters
E-mail integration
E-mail management
Early warning functions
Effort estimation
Employee capacities
Employee file
Employee management
Employee Self Service
Enterprise management
Escalation management
Escalation mechanisms
Event calendar
Event Management
Excel export
Export functions
Financial accounting interface
Financial controlling
Gantt charts
GPS tracking
Holiday management
Hourly rate management
International Travel Expense Reporting
Kanban Board
Key figure reports
Key figures and key figure systems
Mapping of core working hours
Mapping of predefined work shifts
Minimum working time and daily target
Mobile data collection
Mobile time recording
Multi-project controlling
Multiple campaigns
Notification system
Offline time recording
Open item management
Order management
Order processing
Order times
Overtime calculations
Payment entry
Personnel controlling
Personnel cost centers
Personnel data management
Personnel management
personnel master data
Personnel planning
Personnel resource planning (PRP)
Personnel time recording
Planning calendar
Planning period
Print function
Problem management
Procedure Models Project Management
Process cost accounting
Process history
Process management
Process models
Process monitoring
Processing times
Product management
Project acquisition
Project budgeting
Project controlling
Project cost centers
Project costing
Project data acquisition
Project evaluations
Project forecasts
project groups
Project ID
Project invoicing
Project Management
Project planning
Project statistics
Project templates
Project time recording
Project timing
Project-related vacation planning
Real-time tracking
Remaining vacation
Reminder functions
Report management
Resource Management
Revenue analyses
Rights management
Role Management
Rolling Planning
Sample templates
Seminar planning, seminar catalogs
Serial appointments
Shift staffing
Smoking break problem
SSL support
Status Reporting
Structure plan
Success controlling
Support project management
Target and task tracking
Target management
Target/actual comparisons
Task management
Tax consultant interface
Text editing
Text templates, sample texts
Ticket creation
Ticket Distribution
Ticket history
Ticket processing
Ticket system
Time accounting rules
Time bookings
Time models, time accounts
Time planning
Time recording
Time recording interfaces
Time recording systems
To-do lists
Top-down or bottom-up procedure
Travel expense recording
Travel expense report
Travel expenses
Travel requests
Trend analyses
User management
Vacation entitlements
Vacation group administration
Vacation management
Vacation overviews
Vacation Request System
Version management
Wage and salary interfaces
Workflow management
Working time calculation
Working time corrections
Working time management
Working time models
Working time monitoring
Working time recording
Worktime triggers


from 7.99
plus 19% VAT

Get to know the software better! Request a video appointment for a personal presentation!

Technical specifications:

SaaS, Cloud:
On-premises (local installation):
Multi-user (network-compatible):
Multi-client compatible:
included in price
possible for a fee
First installation (year):
Number of installations:
Manufacturer based in:
not required
included in price
Installation support:
for a fee
Manual, Online Help, Demo version
Dialogue language(s):
English, German
System requirements:
Compatible operating systems (runs with):
Win 11
Win 10
Win Server
Mainframe based
Unix based
Linux based
Mac OS
Mobile OSs (supports):
Old Compatible Operating Systems:
Win 8
Win 7

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