Digitization is taking place gradually and relentlessly. While most daily documents are already available in digital form or are received by the company, many departments are still faced with seemingly endless mountains of documents in paper form. With the TeleForm capture software, however, documents, forms and other records can be automatically captured, analyzed and classified. This results in much faster processing, as all paper documents can be converted into paperless documents in the shortest possible time and used for further processing almost simultaneously.
Developed by Electric Paper Informationssysteme GmbH, the TeleForm software is also capable of intelligently converting electronic forms and data into PDF or HTML formats. The information contained therein can also be easily transferred to new forms, eliminating the need to manually type in the relevant data and information. This makes it much easier for employees in incoming mail entry, research or customer service to complete their tasks. Ultimately, this saves resources and opens up new application possibilities in medium-sized and large companies as well as in colleges and universities, for example. In addition, all work processes in these areas are made significantly more efficient.
Target groups are medium-sized companies, large companies and also universities/colleges. The sector can be as diverse as the applications: