RiskLine-P is a software system for the retrieval, distribution and quality assurance of quote and price information, which allows the validation of information according to defined rules. The use of the solution ensures consistent and quality-assured quote supply to all target systems at the financial service provider. After all, the use of incorrect price information harbors a great risk potential for financial service providers. When calculating fund redemption prices, for example, the use of incorrect price information would represent an enormous risk for financial service providers, which in the worst case would result in claims. With RiskLine-P, price information is provided centrally in an upstream process.
RiskLine-P specifically queries price information of various qualities (realtime/delayed/EOD) from different data suppliers, checks them using various (e.g. statistical) methods and forwards the quality-assured price information to the target systems that require the respective price. The query to the data suppliers takes place at the time when the target systems need the data for further processing, i.e. "just-in-time", and in the desired data quality.
With RiskLine, it is possible to query price information both once and at regular intervals. In doing so, RiskLine generates all required quote queries independently, thus ensuring a high degree of automation. By integrating different data suppliers, the failure of a data supplier can be compensated by using alternative suppliers.
Due to the open system architecture, any number of data sources and target systems can be connected to RiskLine-P. Currently, the following data sources and systems are supported: