In the pharmaceutical industry as well as for manufacturers of medical products or healthcare companies, it is common practice to deploy sales representatives to offer or present their own products and services to potential partners on site and to take orders in this regard. However, these visiting activities require comprehensive organization and good preparation so that the administrative work can be carried out optimally. PharmaData CRM is a very important tool to support the work of sales representatives. The application for the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector is clearly structured and easy to use.
The individual modules of PharmaData CRM integrate all the functions that are indispensable for the visiting activities of a sales representative. Probably the biggest advantage for you is that both you as the company manager and your sales representative can access the same comprehensive level of knowledge at any time and from any location. This not only makes visiting activities easier, it also makes them more efficient as the time required is reduced. In addition, the sales representative can always pass on the latest information during his visits or incorporate it into his consultations.
Pharmaceutical companies only