The SpecPDM application platform provides product development with a central storage and specifications management system in order to be able to react to market requirements in a faster and more flexible manner. At any point of time, the system provides management with latest information about all projects and supports R&D in effectively implementing the corporate goals.
SpecPDM provides your company with a single database for formulas, list of ingredients, raw materials and specifications and also a tool that enables standardized business processes.
SpecPDM helps your company in achieving quick growth, better cost control and cost reduction, higher quality and a matching of the R&D potential across the company.
Module Recipe development:
- Maintain recipe components, basic and costing data, declarations, uses
- Faster recipe development and simulation using basic recipe and development and simulation of recipe variants
- Calculate recipes according to change of components, compound formula calculation
- Exchanging recipe components
- Tracking the recipe data status
- Materials and Ingredients data (transaction descriptions) Raw materials, operating supplies, trade goods, packaging materials and end products with base data Testing specifications (QA testing plans), specifications for quality assurance (LIMS)
- Management of additives; Additives (and preservatives) are maintained according to regulations of the Food and Drug Administration Act and are assigned according to additive classes.
- Multi-lingual user interface, data objects and descriptions, texts and comments
Module Calculation of nutrition value:
- Calculating the allergens, minerals, acids, nutrition forms
Module Work planning and costing:
- Assigning activities, plants, work-stations, working technologies and costing components
Module Simulation:
- Forward and reverse calculation with “price simulation” for even faster action and reaction of the product development department
Module Proof of use:
- Material and recipe queries for building up the documentation
Module Reporting:
- Document generation and data transfer
Module Project Management:
- Basic project data, briefing, milestones, responsibilities, documents, notes, reports, etc.
Module Food and Drug Administration Act:
- Program-supported generation and administration of list of ingredients and declaration lists
Module Customs requirements:
- Certain export products receive refunds from the government or private organizations
Module Interface:
- Documents and data transfer; Exhaustive additional data on materials, recipes and food such as lists of ingredients, declarations, manufacturing Process instructions, costing and product specifications. Flexible integration in surrounding systems (ERP, LIMS, PPS, SAP, Oracle, Navision, etc.)
Module Process development:
- Manufacturing processes can be linked to production lines and plants, visualized and displayed. Set up production lines and production units
- Set up and maintain production processes
- Recipe management
- Batch logging
- Enter and evaluate production data
Module Production controlling:
- Maintain production orders
- Enter and evaluate production data
- Maintain and evaluate HACCP concepts
- Maintain and evaluate all important hygiene data
- Proofs in recipes, materials and products
Module Degustation & Warehouse test:
- Shelf-life evaluation, warehousing abilities, sensor-based tests, tests for appearance, odor, taste and texture.