Software > Standard Software, COTS > Presentation Software > e!Sankey


With e!Sankey you can now create Sankey diagrams even easier and better

Version:  5

Demo version

What is a Sankey Diagram?

Irish-born engineer Matthew Henry Phineas Riall Sankey, Captain of the Royal Engineers, is the creator of the Sankey diagram. In an 1898 article on the energy efficiency of a steam engine, Sankey presented the first energy flow diagram. Sankey diagrams are special flowcharts that show material flows, energy, or costs with quantity-proportional wide, colored arrows. The width of an arrow indicates quantity to scale.

Where are Sankey diagrams used?

Sankey diagrams are used, for example, in energy management, building and process engineering, or plant engineering. Chemical, process or environmental engineers use the diagrams to visualize and present quantity flows in the process system in an appealing way.

Which functions does e!Sankey offer?

e!Sankey is completely geared towards the creation of Sankey diagrams with all features. The width of the Sankey arrows is automatically calculated based on the flow quantity entered and drawn with pixel accuracy.After the initial creation, various layout and design functions are available so that you can design the diagram according to your wishes.

Features (excerpt):

  • graphical editor with processes (nodes), arrows, labels, other graphical elements (e.g. rectangle, rounded rectangle, ellipse, lines), text fields, images, numerous editor options (e.g. grid, snap to grid), copy&paste, zoom.
  • Arrows: draw connections between two processes, enter one or more flows with quantities, select color, label with flow name and quantity can be hidden, insert kink points, stacked Sankey arrows, stacking order customizable, numerous options (rounded or rectangular kinks, arrowhead on/off, border line).
  • Use of document templates (templates)
  • Process: move, zoom in, zoom out, colors, use of images, process label, hide process, ...
  • Excel interface (Excel LiveLink, pro version only)
  • Visualization of stock changes (stock before input & after output, pro version and higher)
  • Balance check on process, balance labels
  • Calculation of flows via process operations (e!Sankey calc only)
  • Units: manage multiple scales
  • Scaling per unit type with slider
  • Supplements: files linked behind diagram elements (pro version and higher)
  • Color palettes
  • Print and export diagram (jpg, bmp, png, gif, emf, svg, pdf)
  • Saving in the cloud (SharePoint, OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox)

Do you need to generate reports on a regular basis?

A special highlight is the Live Link function to Microsoft Excel. For some reports that have to be created regularly, it is sufficient to keep the flow values up to date. The Live Link ensures that the flow value in the diagram changes automatically and the arrow width adjusts.

e!Sankey uses state-of-the-art software technology. The Microsoft .NET 4.8 framework is required for installation. Live Links (in e!Sankey pro & e!Sankey calc) require Microsoft Excel 2016 or higher.

Request the free demo version today! You will create your first Sankey diagrams after just a few minutes.

Target groups:

  • Engineers (especially process engineers, chemical engineers, environmental engineers)

  • Plant manager

In addition, persons who are active in

  • Waste management
  • Energy management/energy audit
  • Water or wastewater management (e.g. in a sewage treatment plant)
  • in the energy industry
  • in materials management, transport and logistics
  • Quality management
  • Process optimization
  • Controlling


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Functions (excerpt) of e!Sankey:

Data visualization
Image management
Image processing
Report management
Template management


plus 19% VAT
per client
basic version
plus 19% VAT
per client
pro version with live link to Microsoft Excel

Technical specifications:

SaaS, Cloud:
On-premises (local installation):
Multi-user (network-compatible):
Multi-client compatible:
The product is also available in:
specialized suppliers
not required
First installation (year):
Number of installations:
Manufacturer based in:
for a fee
not required
Installation support:
not required
Online Help, Demo version, Technical documentation
Dialogue language(s):
French, English, German
System requirements:
Compatible operating systems (runs with):
Win 11
Win 10
Win Server
Mainframe based
Unix based
Linux based
Mac OS
Mobile OSs (supports):
Old Compatible Operating Systems:
Win 8
Min. memory requirements:
1 GB RAM, 150 MB Hard disc
Data storage medium:
Flash memory
Other requirements for soft- and hardware:
The Microsoft .NET 4.6 Framework is required for installation.