We are brokers in the waste disposal industry, work together with many contractual partners, dispose of waste and take care of the acceptance of scrap metal. Hauliers drive the waste and metals to our contract facilities for us.
We are looking for software with the following requirements:
Preparation of quotations and contracts
- The text area per item should be unlimited, e.g. as for tenders.
Order creation
- Dispatching is our core concern and is currently carried out without a scale. Dispatching should be able to create our transport orders in such a way that we can later create an invoice or credit note from them.
- We have the following questions about the software solutions we are looking for:
- Is it based on an AVV catalog (Waste Catalogue Ordinance)?
- Is it possible to integrate the waste disposal certificate and consignment bill (incl. the respective EN + BGS/ÜBS no.) for hazardous waste?
- Can further items be added or changed?
- Is it possible to specify the customer's billing and service address at this stage and change it later if necessary?
- Can the forwarder and disposal facility be created here?
- Can the container be specified here? (With an overview of the last activity - installation + change + emptying + collection - of the container?)
- Can the container rent also be defined here?
- Can the calculation cycle for the container rental be stored directly so that it is automatically calculated on the specified date?
Invoicing, creation of credit notes / invoices
- Ideally, it should be possible to invoice the order as a route so that no quantities are recorded in a fictitious warehouse (we do not have a warehouse).
- The invoice forms should be flexible (possibly per customer).
- Price maintenance per customer and the possibility of entering price changes in advance (can also be called up later at any time)?
Evaluations (per AVV, per customer, according to turnover, gross profit, etc.)
- We want to regularly create waste balances for our customers for each AVV. The reports should be created according to AVV no.
- A direct connection to DATEV should be possible (not e.g. export to EXCEL first). Accounting also in accordance with §13b. Turnover and gross profit, cost and performance accounting.
Initially 6 workstations are planned.