Software > IT projects > Real estate service provider seeks software to manage building services

Real estate service provider seeks software to manage building services

IT project from: Real estate service providerProject no. 15/137: finished
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We offer property management services and are looking for software to manage building services. Building services are e.g. janitor, cleaning, garden, removal, security service, ...

The software should support the following tasks:

  • Creating invoices & offers
  • Accounting (incoming and outgoing invoices)
  • Monthly automatic billing of various orders
  • Vehicle control
  • Personnel
  • Dunning system

Other functions that are also included in the software we currently use should also be covered: Complaints, mass printing or e-mail, key management, equipment management, etc.

The system is to be used on approx. 5-6 software workstations.

Project statistics

Researched solutions 11
Selected potentially relevant solutions (of which published) 7 (0)
Sent e-mails (questions, queries) and telephone calls 23
E-mails received from vendors 3
Direct responses to the IT project 0
Responses classified as relevant 20

Contact the searcher:

The IT project has already been closed.

We are happy to answer questions about IT projects by phone +49 5363 / 8094-0 or e-mail