Software > IT projects > Looking for software to convert Excel to Datanorm

Looking for software to convert Excel to Datanorm

IT project from: Fire protectionProject no. 15/129: finished
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A fire protection company is looking for conversion software to supplement the Lexware Auftrag und Faktura+ 2015 software.

Price lists are to be converted from Excel format to Datanorm 4.0 - 5.0. The data is to be transferred to article management.

Project statistics

Researched solutions 4
Selected potentially relevant solutions (of which published) 4 (0)
Sent e-mails (questions, queries) and telephone calls 13
E-mails received from vendors 4
Direct responses to the IT project 0
Responses classified as relevant 10

Contact the searcher:

The IT project has already been closed.

We are happy to answer questions about IT projects by phone +49 5363 / 8094-0 or e-mail