SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Working time recording

Working time recording

What is meant by Working time recording?

"Working time recording" refers to the process of recording and tracking the working hours of employees in a company or organization.

Typical functions of software in the area of "working time recording" include

    Recording the start of work
    Recording employees' end of work and breaks, either through manual entry, time recording terminals or mobile applications.
    Recording of vacation requests, sick days and other forms of absence, as well as the ability to approve and manage these requests.
    Ability to integrate with other systems such as payroll systems, time and attendance systems and HR management systems for seamless data transfer and processing.

The function / module Working time recording belongs to:


Cover letter, advertising
Credit card import
File scan services
Integration of office software
Interfaces for employees and visitors
Mail-In/Scan-In function
MS Excel interface
MS Exchange interface
Outlook integration
Remote configuration
System components
Tax consultant interface
Web service integration

Recording of working hours

Software solutions with function or module Working time recording:

audius:Event for Event Management
audius:Seminar for training and seminar management
cronetwork Time & Attendance
DEXICON for access control and time recording
edoobox - Online booking system
FLINTEC IT - Mobile Project Time Recording
FLINTEC IT - Time recording via app with workflow
myPARM - Multi-project management software
OC:Planner - Service Planning for Healthcare and Social Services
Show all 43 programs with Working time recording