SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Warranty date

Warranty date

What is meant by Warranty date?

Warranty date is the date on which a warranty for a product or service expires. It marks the period during which the manufacturer or provider is responsible for defects or damages to the product and must repair or replace them free of charge. After the warranty date expires, the customer may be responsible for repairs or replacement themselves, or additional costs may be incurred.

Typical functions of software in the area of warranty date could include:

  1. Capture and management of warranty data for products or services.
  2. Automatic calculation of the warranty expiration date based on the purchase date and the duration of the warranty period.
  3. Notifications and reminders of upcoming warranty expiration dates for products or services.
  4. Tracking of warranty claims and processing of repairs or replacements within the warranty period.
  5. Generation of reports and analysis to monitor performance and compliance with warranty agreements.
  6. Integration with other systems for managing customer data and sales processes for seamless tracking of warranty data.


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The function / module Warranty date belongs to:

Scheduling and time planning

Production key figures

Software solutions with function or module Warranty date:

GFOS.Smart Manufacturing
Process optimization and cost reduction with modular MES software
PPS ERP for manufacturing companies with focus on production control