SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Waiting room

Waiting room

What is meant by Waiting room?

A waiting room is an area in a medical facility where patients wait before their appointment or treatment. Waiting room management aims to minimize wait times, optimize patient flow, and improve the overall patient experience.

Typical functions of software in the field of waiting room management:

  1. Appointment and Patient Management:

    • Management of patient appointments and arrivals.
    • Check-in and registration of patients upon their arrival.
  2. Wait Time Management:

    • Real-time monitoring of wait times.
    • Notifying patients about estimated wait times and delays.
  3. Patient Call System:

    • Automated calling of patients when it's their turn.
    • Integration of visual and auditory signals for patient calling.
  4. Resource Management:

    • Management of the availability and assignment of treatment rooms.
    • Optimization of room and resource usage to reduce wait times.
  5. Communication and Notifications:

    • Automatic notifications to patients via SMS or email.
    • Communication with staff about delays and schedule changes.
  6. Patient Comfort:

    • Providing entertainment and informational materials in the waiting room.
    • Integration of Wi-Fi, magazines, or screens with information.
  7. Feedback and Survey Features:

    • Capturing patient feedback about their waiting room experience.
    • Conducting surveys for continuous improvement of patient services.
  8. Reporting and Analytics:

    • Generation of reports on wait times, patient flow, and resource utilization.
    • Data analysis to identify bottlenecks and optimization opportunities.
  9. Integration with Other Systems:

    • Connection to Electronic Health Records (EHR) and practice management systems.
    • Synchronization of appointment data and patient information.

The function / module Waiting room belongs to:

Healthcare and medicine

Software solutions with function or module Waiting room: