SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Voice recording

Voice recording

What is meant by Voice recording?

"Voice recording" refers to the recording of spoken word or sound by software or a device.

Typical functions of software in the "Voice recording" domain include:

  1. Audio recording: Capturing spoken word or sound using a microphone or other recording devices.

  2. File management: Managing recorded audio files, including storage, organization, and search.

  3. Playback and listening: Ability to play back recorded audio files for review or analysis.

  4. Editing tools: Providing tools for editing audio files, including cutting, merging, noise removal, or adjusting volume and pitch.

  5. Transcription: Automatic or manual transcription of recorded spoken word into text format.

  6. Marking and commenting: Ability to mark specific sections in the recorded audio files as well as add comments or notes.

  7. Tagging: Adding keywords or tags to audio files for easier organization and search.

  8. Export and sharing: Ability to export audio files to various formats as well as share with other users or systems.


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The function / module Voice recording belongs to:

Word processing

Software solutions with function or module Voice recording:

mydocma MM
mydocma MM
Progress through defects management
Sta*Ware Business Navigator®
Project-oriented business software in one package - ERP-CRM-HRM-PMS-DMS-ECM-BA-BPM-QM
Project Software - ERP for Service Providers