SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Verwaltung von beliebig vielen Küchen oder Kantinen
Verwaltung von beliebig vielen Küchen oder Kantinen

Verwaltung von beliebig vielen Küchen oder Kantinen

What is meant by Verwaltung von beliebig vielen Küchen oder Kantinen?

The term "management of multiple kitchens or canteens" refers to a software system's capability to simultaneously control, monitor, and optimize multiple locations operating in gastronomy, community catering, or canteen services. It enables centralized administration and analysis regardless of whether there are a few or a large number of locations.

Typical software functions in the area of "management of multiple kitchens or canteens":

Examples of "management of multiple kitchens or canteens":

  1. Catering Companies: A system for managing industrial kitchens in various cities.
  2. Corporate Canteens: Centralized administration of all company canteens.
  3. School Meals: Management of kitchens across various school buildings in a district.
  4. Hospitals: Integration of the kitchens of all hospital locations of a single operator.
  5. Hotel Chains: Unified organization of kitchens in multiple hotels.
  6. Military Catering Units: Central management of multiple canteens within a region or nationwide.



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The function / module Verwaltung von beliebig vielen Küchen oder Kantinen belongs to:

Working capital management