SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Vacation entitlements

Vacation entitlements

What is meant by Vacation entitlements?

Vacation entitlement calculation refers to determining the number of vacation days an employee is entitled to based on work hours, length of service, and legal or contractual regulations.

Typical Functions of Software in the Field of "Vacation Entitlement Calculation":

  1. Automatic Calculation: Automated determination of vacation entitlement based on recorded data such as work schedule, length of service, and individual contracts.

  2. Legal and Contractual Regulations: Consideration of legal requirements and company-specific agreements in calculating vacation entitlement.

  3. Part-Time and Full-Time Calculation: Differentiation and calculation of vacation entitlement for part-time and full-time employees.

  4. Carryover Management: Management and transfer of unused vacation days to the next year or consideration in the calculation of new vacation entitlement.

  5. Absence Management: Integration with absence management for easy recording and administration of vacation requests and approved vacations.

  6. Reporting: Generation of reports on current vacation status, remaining vacation days, and historical vacation data.

  7. Notifications: Automatic notifications to employees and supervisors for approved or denied vacation requests and when certain thresholds are exceeded.

  8. Integration with Time Tracking Systems: Synchronization with existing time tracking systems to ensure accurate data on working hours and absences.


The function / module Vacation entitlements belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Vacation entitlements:

cronetwork Time & Attendance
myPARM - Multi-project management software
OC:Planner - Service Planning for Healthcare and Social Services
Projektron BCS - Web-based project management software
rexx Enterprise Recruitment - Applicant Management Software
rexx HR - Personnel Management / Digital File
rexx HR - Time Management
rexx HR - Vacation Manager
Sage HR Suite
Show all 25 programs with Vacation entitlements