SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Unlocking functions

Unlocking functions

What is meant by Unlocking functions?

The term "unlock functions" refers to software features that only allow certain user actions, content, or features to be accessed after approval or a specific event. These functions are used to control access to sensitive data or processes or to ensure that certain prerequisites are met before a process or feature is unlocked. Unlock functions are commonly used in areas such as quality control, project management, or compliance.

Typical software functions in the area of "unlock functions":

  1. Approval Workflow: Automated workflows that ensure one or more individuals must approve certain actions or processes before they are unlocked.
  2. User Rights Management: Assigning and managing user access rights to unlock specific actions or features only for authorized individuals.
  3. Quality Approval: Review and approval of products, processes, or documents after meeting established quality standards.
  4. Milestone Unlock: Unlocking additional project phases or functions after reaching specific milestones or targets.
  5. Risk Assessment: Unlocking processes or financial transactions after a risk assessment or review.
  6. Notifications and Alerts: Automated notifications to relevant stakeholders when an action or feature is ready for unlocking.
  7. Audit Logging: Recording all unlocking processes and decisions for later review and auditing.
  8. Version Control: Unlocking new versions of documents or software modules after successful review and approval.


The function / module Unlocking functions belongs to:

User rights

Software solutions with function or module Unlocking functions:

KeepTool - Tools for Oracle Databases
prime WebTime and prime WebAccess