SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > UFI-Generator


What is meant by UFI-Generator?

The "UFI Generator" is a tool used for creating the Unique Formula Identifier (UFI), a labeling requirement for mixtures under the EU's CLP Regulation. Typical functions of software in the "UFI Generator" area include:

  1. Automatic UFI generation: The software automatically generates the UFI code for each mixture based on its unique formula and composition.

  2. Database integration: The UFI Generator can access extensive databases to obtain the necessary information for UFI creation, such as the ECHA database for registered substances.

  3. UFI management: The software allows for the management and assignment of UFIs to the corresponding mixtures and safety data sheets.


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The function / module UFI-Generator belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module UFI-Generator:

Software for creating and managing safety data sheets.