SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Troubleshooting


What is meant by Troubleshooting?

The term "troubleshooting" refers to the systematic process of identifying, analyzing, and correcting errors or problems in technical systems, software applications, or operational processes. The goal is to find and eliminate the cause of an error to restore proper functionality.

Typical software functions in the area of "troubleshooting":

  1. Error Logging: Automatic capture and documentation of error messages and system states.
  2. Diagnostic Tools: Integrated tools for analyzing system components and identifying error sources.
  3. Error Database: Management and categorization of known errors and their solutions.
  4. Automated Tests: Conducting system tests to verify functionality after troubleshooting.
  5. Remote Support: Remote access to systems for performing diagnostics and repairs.
  6. Reporting: Generation of reports on performed troubleshooting and system states.

Examples of "troubleshooting":

  1. Restarting an unresponsive computer system.
  2. Updating software drivers to resolve compatibility issues.
  3. Repairing damaged database entries to restore data integrity.
  4. Optimizing network settings to improve connection quality.
  5. Removing malware to eliminate security risks.
  6. Correcting programming errors in software applications.

The function / module Troubleshooting belongs to:

IT Asset Management (ITAM)