SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Travel expense flat rates

Travel expense flat rates

What is meant by Travel expense flat rates?

The term "travel expense allowances" refers to fixed amounts provided by companies to employees to cover travel costs without the need for individual receipts for each expense. These allowances can be set for various travel-related costs such as meals, accommodation, and transportation, simplifying the travel expense reporting process.

Typical software functions in the area of "travel expense allowances":

  1. Allowance Management: Administration and configuration of allowance amounts for different types of travel expenses and destinations.
  2. Expense Reporting: Automated calculation of allowances based on travel data and durations to facilitate reporting.
  3. Receipt Management: Capture and association of receipts if required alongside allowances.
  4. Reporting: Creation of reports on disbursed allowances and their utilization for internal and external purposes.
  5. Policy Integration: Implementation and enforcement of company policies regarding travel expense reporting, including allowance rules.
  6. Approval Workflow: Automated approval processes for travel expense reports that include allowances.
  7. Compliance: Ensuring adherence to legal and tax regulations concerning allowances and travel expense reporting.
  8. Corrections and Adjustments: Functions for adjusting and correcting travel expense reports when discrepancies from allowances occur.


The function / module Travel expense flat rates belongs to:

Travel expenses


Software solutions with function or module Travel expense flat rates:

Projektron BCS - Web-based project management software
Sage HR Suite