SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Traffic light system
Traffic light system

Traffic light system

What is meant by Traffic light system?

A "Traffic Light System" is a visual tool used for status indication, applied in various fields to quickly and easily assess the current state or progress of a project, process, or task. It uses the colors green, yellow, and red, similar to a traffic light, to indicate whether something is on track (green), under observation (yellow), or in a critical state (red). Traffic light systems help in decision-making and prompt necessary actions before major issues arise.

Typical software functions in the area of "Traffic Light System":

  1. Status Monitoring: Automatic updating and display of the current status in the form of traffic light colors based on predefined criteria.
  2. Notifications: Automated alerts and notifications when the status changes, particularly when it turns yellow or red.
  3. Customizable Thresholds: Ability to individually set the thresholds at which the status changes from green to yellow or from yellow to red.
  4. Reporting: Creation of reports that depict the development of the status over a specific period and highlight trends.
  5. Integration with Other Systems: Connection to other software modules to update the status in real-time from various data sources.
  6. Visualization: User-friendly dashboards and overviews displaying the status of multiple projects or processes simultaneously.

Examples of "Traffic Light System":

  1. Project Status: Green indicates that a project is on time and within budget, yellow signals delays or cost overruns, and red points to significant issues.
  2. Supplier Rating: Suppliers with consistently good performance are marked green, those with occasional issues yellow, and those with repeated failures red.
  3. Machine Maintenance: Green means a machine is operating smoothly, yellow indicates that maintenance is soon required, and red signals urgent maintenance or a breakdown.
  4. Employee Performance: Green shows that an employee is meeting goals, yellow represents slight deviations, and red indicates that performance is significantly below expectations.
  5. Risk Management: Green for acceptable risks, yellow for observed risks that need management, and red for critical risks that require immediate attention.


The function / module Traffic light system belongs to:

Methods / Optimizations

Software solutions with function or module Traffic light system:

anaptis Status Lights
Aptean Advanced Workflow
Clarity PPM: Enterprise Software for Project and Portfolio Management
myPARM - Multi-project management software
target Idea Management for use with SAP