SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Time off accounts

Time off accounts

What is meant by Time off accounts?

Time off accounts are a method in personnel management for tracking and managing employees' time balances, including vacation days, overtime, flextime, or special leave.

Typical Functions of Software in the Field of "Time off accounts":

  1. Balance Management: Monitoring and managing the leisure balances of each employee, including vacation days, overtime, and other types of leisure.

  2. Time Tracking and Management: Recording and managing work hours and leisure activities based on leisure accounts.

  3. Automatic Calculations: Automatic calculation and updating of leisure accounts based on recorded work hours and leisure activities.

  4. Approval Workflow: Approval workflow for leisure requests by supervisors or HR managers.

  5. Notifications: Automatic notifications to employees and managers about the current status of their leisure accounts and approval status.

  6. Calendar Integration: Integration of leisure accounts with calendar systems to display scheduled leisure activities and availability.

  7. Reporting: Generation of reports on leisure consumption, remaining balances, and other relevant statistics for personnel management and planning.

  8. Compliance and Regulation: Compliance with legal requirements and company policies for managing leisure accounts.

  9. Self-Service Features: Employee self-service for requesting leisure, viewing leisure accounts, and updating personal information.

  10. Flexibility and Customization: Customization of leisure account management to meet specific company requirements and regulations.


The function / module Time off accounts belongs to:

Wages and salaries

Duty and shift schedules

Software solutions with function or module Time off accounts:

myPARM - Multi-project management software
Projektron BCS - Web-based project management software
rexx HR - Personnel Management / Digital File
rexx HR - Time Management
Sage HR Suite
prime WebTime and prime WebAccess