SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Threat code

Threat code

What is meant by Threat code?

The term "threat code" or "silent alarm" refers to a specific type of alarm or security measure designed to discreetly signal a threat or security risk without being obvious to the potential attacker or intruder. In the software and security industry, this mechanism is often used to secretly request assistance or activate security measures without the perpetrator noticing. This can be crucial in emergency or security-critical situations to ensure the safety of individuals or systems.

Typical software functions in the area of "threat code / silent alarm":

  1. Discrete Activation: Ability to trigger the alarm using a secret code or a special combination of inputs that is not recognizable to outsiders.
  2. Automated Notifications: Automatic sending of alerts and notifications to security services, emergency services, or authorized personnel when the silent alarm is activated.
  3. Real-Time Monitoring: Monitoring and logging of events in real-time to ensure immediate action can be taken when the threat code is activated.
  4. Hidden Interfaces: Providing user interfaces or functions that allow users to discreetly activate the alarm without it being obvious.
  5. Access Logging: Recording all access and actions related to the activation of the threat code for later review and analysis.
  6. System Integration: Integrating the threat code into existing security and monitoring systems to enable a rapid and coordinated response to security incidents.
  7. Confidentiality: Ensuring that information and alerts generated by the threat code are treated confidentially and only communicated to authorized individuals.


The function / module Threat code belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Threat code:

DEXICON for access control and time recording
prime WebTime and prime WebAccess